Drinking Water

Rules of drinking water at least 8 glasses per day has not been disciplined by most people. Many of us who let the body of water shortage from day to day.

We do not drink enough water your body needs. In fact, water is very important, including to:
- Prevents the body from poisoning due to toxic metabolic waste.

- Helps digestion and metabolism, also carry nutrients and oxygen to cells through the blood, regulate body temperature, and lubricates the joints.

- Assist breathing. We lost a number of fluid every day while exhaling. If the amount of body fluids is not balanced, may interfere with physiological functions in the body.

- Reduce the weight or fat deposition because the water needed in metabolize fat.

- Helps strengthen muscles.

- Maintain working digestive and other organ functions.

Drinking water needs of an average of 2 liters per day. If you are overweight, often doing physical exercises, or live in hot climates, should drink more.

People sometimes afraid to drink a lot because a lot can go back and forth to the bathroom to dispose of urine. Initially it could happen because the bladder is sensitive to the addition of liquids. However, after a few weeks, the bladder will get used to and more relaxed, so you do not have to bother to the bathroom. Once the urination, can get out quite a lot.

The recommended drinking water here is pure water, not beer, tea, coffee, fruit juice though, and the like. Therefore, the kind that is not pure water that contains other ingredients such as alcohol, caffeine, tannin, and sugar.


Dolphins, Key of Healing Diabetes

CALIFORNIA - The dolphins so familiar among researchers because these mammals intelligence. Not only that, on several occasions, the dolphins could be the solution of various human health problems.
Therefore, researchers from the National Marine Mammal Association, San Diego, United States believes, the dolphins might be able to provide solution to the handling of cases of diabetes in humans.
Previously, researchers found that the dolphins were having the same type of diabetes with the man himself. Amazingly, the dolphins have their own way to disable or enable the disease itself.
Based on these findings, the researchers placed great hopes that this discovery could open a new path for researchers to get the latest solutions for people with diabetes.
In humans, diabetes is a symptom of failure of treatment systems in blood sugar levels. In dolphins, diabetes accidentally activated in order to overcome food shortage.
When the dolphin trouble getting food, they automatically make him experience that makes insulin resistance glucose is not released from the blood. As a result, the brain still get the energy supply. Things returned to normal when the supply of food on the dolphins are not obstructed.
One researcher from the National Marine Mammal Association, Stephanie Venn Watson said diabetes was a disease that evolved from earlier disease. "By studying the techniques used by the dolphins, dibates disease can be treated," he said as quoted by dailymail.co.uk, Friday (21/2).
Although very interesting results, the researchers agree not to use dolphin as an object of direct experiment. Researchers only took blood samples and dolphin DNA to be analyzed and developed.
Source: http://www.republika.co.id (February 22, 2010)

Ir Nina Artanti MSc, Teliti Benalu Jadi Obat Kanker

Dia adalah Ir Nina Artanti MSc, ahli kimia di LIPI yang getol meneliti kandungan zat benalu, sehingga menghasilkan obat untuk menghambat pertumbuhan sel kanker. "Selama ini, yang banyak diketahui orang-orang, benalu teh itu bisa menjadi obat bagi penderita kanker. Bagaimana benalu lain? Inilah yang saya teliti," kata Nina kepada Jawa Pos.

Sejak 2003, Nina bekerja keras menyelidiki potensi benalu lokal itu. Setiap hari di laboratorium Nina hanya berkutat dengan benalu. "Saya memilahkan senyawa kimia pada tumbuhan itu. Saya yakin benalu lokal tak kalah," urai pemegang master of science dari New South Wales University itu.

Dibantu suami yang juga peneliti Bioteknologi LIPI, Dr Ir M. Ahkam Subroto M.App Sc, kali pertama Nina meneliti potensi benalu yang tumbuh di rumahnya. Sarjana lulusan Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) itu mengamati setiap kandungan benalu di pekarangannya itu. Dia juga sampai kepada para tetangga untuk mendapatkan setangkai benalu. Nina lalu menguji senyawa di dalam laboratoriumnya.

Dia yakin potensi itu ada di dua jenis benalu Macrosolen Cochinchinensis dan Dendropthoe Pentandra. Dua jenis benalu itu biasanya menumpang di tanaman nangka dan belimbing. Dia berusaha membuktikan, apakah dua jenis benalu tersebut memiliki sifat antioksidan yang tinggi terhadap sel tubuh.

Menurut Nina, benalu Macrosolen memiliki ciri bercabang banyak dengan ruas membesar. Daunnya bertangkai pendek, berbentuk elips, tetapi ada juga yang berbentuk bulat dengan ujung agak meruncing dan warnanya mengkilat.

Tentu untuk penelitian tersebut, Nina membutuhkan banyak benalu jenis yang sama. "Saya harus dapat dari mana. Akhirnya saya minta bantuan petugas herbarium di Bogor," ungkapnya.

Dia menguji terlebih dahulu kemampuan ekstrak benalu nangka dan belimbing itu. Mula-mula Nina menempatkan sel kanker ke tabung lalu diberi ekstrak benalu. Dia berusaha mengamati pertumbuhan sel saban hari. Hasilnya, pertumbuhan sel kanker yang diberi ekstrak itu lebih lambat 50 persen dibanding sel kanker dibiarkan hidup begitu saja.

Tidak itu saja. Nina berusaha menyuntikkan sel kanker itu ke hewan coba, mencit. Lalu hewan yang terinfeksi kanker itu disuntik ekstrak benalu nangka dan belimbing tadi. Setelah diamati, hasilnya, pertumbuhan mencit yang menderita kanker tadi juga melambat.

Menurut Nina, pertumbuhan sel kanker itu terhambat karena benalu nangka dan belimbing tadi memiliki senyawa yang mampu menghambat pembelahan sel kanker atau mematikannya. Selama kurun empat tahun, Nina menghabiskan dana Rp 600 juta. Uang itu merupakan biaya yang diberikan pemerintah.

Di luar negeri, kata dia, selain dana besar, penelitian semacam itu juga membutuhkan waktu lama, sebelum benar-benar dipasarkan sebagai obat. "Paling tidak butuh waktu 20 tahun meneliti hal serupa sampai proses uji klinis," jelasnya.

Apakah temuan pembunuh kanker itu sudah dipatenkan? Dia mengungkapkan cukup memublikasikan temuannya itu. "Publikasi saja sudah cukup. Bahwa ini temuan saya," jelasnya. Terkait temuannya itu, Nina juga belum terpikir menggandeng dunia industri agar hasil penelitiannya bisa dirasakan banyak orang. Dia memiliki kekhawatiran, jalur pabrikan justru membuat obat-obatan bahan alam itu berharga mahal. (git/kum)
Sumber : www.jawapos.com (13 Januari 2009)