Drinking Milk Frequently At School Can Reduce Colon Cancer Risk


Formula milk is not good for toddlers, but that does not mean school kids do not need to drink milk. Good drinking milk for school children because it can minimize the risk of colon cancer in adulthood by 40 percent.

Children who consumed half a liter of milk a day had a strong protective effect against the disease. And one key to success is the anti-cancer effects are obtained if the child is drinking milk for several years as a child.

Researchers found school children have 20 percent lower risk tumors as an adult if she drank milk every day for 4-6 years, and has a 40 percent lower risk if he drank milk more than 6 years as a child.

Experts predict the long-term dairy consumption can increase the intake of calcium in the body that can protect the intestine against damage and kill cancer cells before they form tumors.

Professor Brian Cox of Otago, New Zealand says more research needs to further prove that the milk can reduce the risk of cancer in future generations. The results of this study are reported in the American Journal of Epidemiology.

"Consuming milk when school is very important because it ensures the children have adequate nutrition intake. Also a glass of milk has the same amount of calcium contained in a kilo of spinach," says Dr Judith Bryans, director of the Dairy Council, as quoted from Dailymail, Saturday (02/12/2011).

Colorectal cancer occurs as a result of abnormal cell growth in colon cancer. Signs or symptoms that appear are the defecation (BAB) bloody, hard to BAB and pain in the lower abdomen that does not go away.

In addition to diligent when mash-fed child, some things can be done to reduce the risk of colon cancer such as maintaining body weight to stay healthy, avoid alcohol, consumption of fiber and physical activity.

Kombucha Tea


When there is milk contains bacteria, people panic because to some extent will have an impact on health. Another case with Kombucha tea that is mixed with bacteria, this herb is claimed even more nutritious than regular tea.

The content of bacteria and yeasts in Kombucha tea drinks cause it feels a bit sour because of the fermentation. There is also a call tea fungus or mushroom tea, because it is brewed plate actually consists of colonies of bacteria and fungi that are symbiotic with each other.

Kambucha name taken from a Korean physician, Dr. Kombu which brings the traditional ingredients of more than 2,000 years old was to Japan in the 5th century. This herb far imported from China as an offering to the ruler of Japan at that time, Emperor Ingyoo.

Since then, Kombucha tea began to be known as a health drink and spread rapidly to all corners of the world. Now the drink is popular in many areas including Russia, Europe and various countries in Asia.

Various claims arose, some say Kombucha tea can lower cholesterol and treat cancer. Some even put it on the scalp to overcome baldness, so nicknamed as well as a wonder tonic.

Still, not everyone believes in the usefulness. Experts in the disease from the Mayo Clinic, Dr. Brent A Bauer, including one health practitioner who doubted the various claims about Kombucha tea which he somewhat exaggerated.

"Until now there has been no single human clinical trials that prove the benefits of Kombucha tea. Not that there is no benefit, but for now claims it has not had a scientific basis," he said as quoted from MSN Health, on Thursday (02/10/2011 .)

Let alone benefit, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States would never report a poisoning victim of Kombucha tea. In April 1995, 2 women admitted to hospital due to acidosis or excess acid in body fluids.

Both victims were drinking tea regularly every day, since 2 months previously. One of the two patients eventually died, while the other one can be saved even in the treatment of heart had stopped.

Metabolic acidosis or increased levels of acidity in body fluids is one of the side effects of Kombucha tea. Other side effects have ever been reported is the poisoning and liver damage due to forced sbekerja harder to metabolize acids.

Yet there has never been an appeal from related parties not to drink Kombucha tea. Food and Drug Administration in the United States only appealed to the tea drunk in a reasonable amount, approximately not more than 4 ounces (120 mL) per day.

Benefit of Cherries for Healthy


Childrens in almost all regions in Indonesia are usually most like to play under a cherry tree or the Cherries that grow on the roadside. This sweet little fruit turns a lot of benefit healthy.

Children usually will reap the fruit of cherries and eat them immediately. Because not had time to wash the child's abdominal pain is often so many parents forbid their children to eat fruit Cherries. Moreover, eating fruit Cherries addictive because of the high sweetness.

But make no mistake, though many live alongside a road, Cherry fruit is a lot of benefits. As long as they clean all the good eaten with the fruit Cherries compounds could be useful for the body. Cherry Cherries Fruit is not often used as a cake decorator.

Research shows the fruit of this Cherries have many important compounds that are useful to the body. As revealed by Julia F Morton in his book 'Fruits of Warm Climates (1987)' that was launched hort.purdue.edu, Wednesday (02/09/2011) there are 12 important compounds from the fruit of Cherries.

In every 100 grams of cherry fruit contains:
Water (77.8 g)
Protein (.324 g)
Fat (1.56 g)
Fiber (4.6 g)
Calcium (124.6 mg)
Phosphorus (84.0 mg)
Iron (1.18 mg)
Carotene (0.019 mg)
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) (0.065 mg)
Riboflavin (0.037 mg)
Niacin (0.554 mg)
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid or antioxidants) (80.5 mg)

High nutrient content of cherry fruit, making this sweet little fruit has many health benefits, among others:
Antiseptic or antibacterial
Antispasmodik (spasms of the gastrointestinal tract which may be due to diarrhea, gastritis)
Relieve headaches
Relieve the symptoms of flu and colds early
Anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory)

Cherry or talok often found alongside a road-pingir and used as a shade plant. Scientifically, cherry fruit called Muntingia calabura L., which includes plants in the family Elaeocarpaceae.

Besides Indonesia, cherry is also much cultivated in warm regions around the world, like India, Southeast Asia, Malaya, Indonesia, the Philippines and in many other places.

Cherry fruit in different countries have their local designation, such as capolin, palman, ladies (Mexico), capulin blanco (Guatemala and Costa Rica), capulin de Comer (El Salvador), or ta JOC takop farang farang (Thailand), kakhop (Cambodia), cay ca Trung (Vietnam), cherry fruit, kerukup Siam (Malaya), Jamaican cherry, Panama berry, cherry Singapore (English), Chinese or Japanese cherry cherry (India).