Turmeric Able To Regenerate Brain Cells After Stroke


Los Angeles, Turmeric is one of the culinary spice known to have many health benefits. A recent study showed turmeric could help regenerate brain cells after stroke.

Turmeric is known to have a molecular compound curcumin, a yellow pigment derived from Curcuma longa natural ingredient. This very popular spice in use in some types of food in the South Asian region and also the Middle East.

Researchers from the United States found that one part of chemical compound from the kitchen spice turmeric able to regenerate brain cells damaged after hit by a stroke. Although this new limited research on test animals rabbits.

In the study compound in turmeric not attack blood clotting. But these compounds can reduce the effects of deficit (decrease) in motor skills after a person has suffered a stroke as a problem in the muscles and motion control.

"With these promising results, the experiment in humans that will be given in the form of the drug will soon begin. It is expected that the drug is able to restore the path of food from the nerve to get back to work," said Paul Lapchak from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, as quoted by the AFP , Monday (02/14/2011).

Lapchak said CNB-001 hybrid compounds contained in turmeric able to cross the blood brain barrier, allowing blood to be distributed rapidly to the brain and involved in a mechanism that is essential for the survival of neurons, or nerve.

The results of this study itself was presented by Lapchak meeting of the American Heart Association International Stroke Conference.

Currently approved drugs in the treatment of ischemic stroke (caused by blockage of blood flow to the brain) known as plasminogen activator tissue (tissue plasminogen activator / TPA). The drug is usually injected through an IV to dissolve the clot and restore blood flow.

Papaya And Coconut Water Can Be Used To Remove Acne Scars


The most annoying thing of acne is the scar that is difficult to remove. Wash face with young coconut water or use a mask of papaya can help remove acne scars.

Coconut water is known as a refreshing beverage relieving thirst. In addition, if properly processed coconut water also can treat various skin diseases like acne, eczema, burns and prevent wrinkles.

Coconut water contains a variety of macro and micro elements. Macro elements are carbon and nitrogen. Elemental carbon in the form of simple carbohydrates coconut water such as glucose, sucrose, fructose, sorbitol, inositol. The element nitrogen in the form of the protein, composed of amino acids, such as opy, arginine, alanine, cystine and serine.

In addition to carbohydrates and protein, coconut water also contains a micro mineral elements needed by the body, such as potassium (K), sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), iron ions (Fe), copper (Cu), phosphorus (P) and sulfur (S).

When checked again, in coconut water also contains various vitamins, including vitamin C, nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid, folic acid, biotin, riboflavin, and so forth.

Thanks to high nutrient content, some diseases associated with skin such as acne, eczema, burns and prevent wrinkles can be helped with coconut water.

Eczematreatmentremedies Launched on Thursday (06/01/2011), to remove acne and scars, coconut water mixed with turmeric grated and then soak for 3 nights.

After soaking, strain the marinade is to get water. Water mixture can be washed into the face and used to help eliminate acne and acne scars are stubborn.

Apart from coconut water, papaya fruit can also help to remove acne scars.

Papaya (Carica papaya), which contain papain, the enzyme that can reduce inflammation, can be used as a mask or be consumed in order to help reduce and eliminate acne scars.

If papaya is used as a mask, papaya-paste can be smeared on the face. Allow mask to dry for 15 to 20 minutes, then washed with clean water.

This papaya mask can open the skin pores are clogged and remove the oil and dead skin cells from the skin. Papaya can also be consumed directly as juice or fruit to get healthy skin.

Defeat Diabetes with Bitterness Of Pare


Pare often shunned because it tastes bitter. But behind the sense of bitterness, bitter melon contains a lot of benefits to health, one powerful way to fight diabetes by lowering blood sugar levels in the body.

Pare or scientifically known as Momordica charantia, is a vegetable that is often used as a medicinal herb with a long history in traditional Chinese medicine, especially for treating diabetes.

Of the few studies conducted on animals and humans, pare shown to lower blood glucose levels, as reported by Drugs.com, Friday (02/11/2011).

Charantin Gynecology, polypeptide P and vicine, is the main active ingredients of bitter melon, which seems to be responsible for anti-diabetic activity.

According to a study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food June 2010 edition, in addition to lowering glucose levels, pare also improves blood lipid levels.

In a study conducted on 20 animals with subjects with sucrose induction of diabetes, after 30 days under treatment with a pare of researchers found that subjects with normal glucose levels, reduced triglycerides and LDL (bad cholesterol), and increase HDL (good cholesterol).

Other positive findings from this study is that bitter melon has antioxidant qualities, which means that this herb helps protect cells from free radicals caused by diabetes.

Based on the recommendation of Drugs.com, to lower blood sugar levels, you can take daily doses of 50 to 100 ml or 900 mg three times daily bitter melon juice. However, this dose may be adjusted based on blood sugar levels, and whether you drink conventional medicine for diabetes.

But pare consumption should be avoided for pregnant women and children. This plant showed anti-fertility effect in research studies, which could increase the risk of abortion and menstrual bleeding.

While on the children because his body is still not strong, sometimes bitter melon can cause side effects such as headache, fever and abdominal pain.