High Nutrients Of Red Kidney Beans


Do you know if the red bean is one of the most famous peas of the group in the world? Yes, red kidney beans are a great variety of delicious dishes in the world of the mainstream.

red beans commonly consumed when it is actually cooked in the form of dry beans. In Indonesia, dried beans usually cooked into a porridge, soup or mixed vegetables, rice or ice team. Red beans are often cooked as a sweet jam that is used as a filler such bakpau cake, moon cake, cake Moci, Dorayaki cakes, donuts content, and others.

Red bean vegetable food groups classified (legumes) peas, a family with green beans, soybeans, peanuts Tolo, and uci nuts. There are several types of beans, red bean, adzuki (small red bumps) bean and bean (big red bean).

Kidney Beans Nutrition

In addition to a variety of delicious food cooked red beans nutrient content is also very rich. Kidney beans are rich in folic acid, calcium, complex carbohydrates, fiber, and high protein. The content of complex carbohydrates and high in fiber which makes red bean can lower blood cholesterol levels. The level of red beans glycemic index also included a favorable low-diabetics and reduce the risk of diabetes.

Dried red beans are the source of complex carbohydrates, dietary fiber (fiber), vitamin B (especially folic acid and vitamin B6), phosphorus, manganese, iron, thiamin, and protein. Every 100 grams of dried red beans that have been boiled can provide 9 grams of protein or 17 percent of the adequacy of protein daily.

The content of protein and amino acid profiles in 100 grams of red beans (kidney beans) from most of the glutamic acid (1323 mg), aspartic acid (1049 mg), leucine (693 mg), lysine (595 mg), arginine (537 mg) , serine (472 mg), phenylalanine (469 mg), Valine (454 mg), isoleucine (383 mg), proline (368 mg), threonine (365 mg), alanine (364 mg), glycine (339 mg), and others remaining below 300 mg.

Protein content of legumes, including red bean, has long been recognized contribution to the daily food menu. Even the red beans supply the protein needs almost as much meat. Although vegetable proteins contained in the red beans incomplete, due to lack of a complete profile of essential amino acids, but can easily be equipped with a meal of red beans with sereals, dairy products, or a small amount of meat. So, it is not difficult to complete deficiency of protein components (amino acid) found in red beans.

Vitamin Nutrition in folate include beans that can cover the daily needs of 33 percent, 11 percent of thiamin, 10 percent vitamin C, 6 percent of vitamin B6, and others remaining below 3 percent.

Mineralization red beans to cover 24 percent of daily needs minerals manganese, 16 percent of the iron minerals, 14 percent of the minerals phosphorus, 12 percent of the minerals potassium and copper, 11 percent of the mineral magnesium, 7 percent of the mineral zinc, and other Miscellaneous remaining below 3 percent. Mineral content in small red beans (Adzuki bean) more than other types of kidney beans.

Red beans almost free of fat, cholesterol, and sodium. In addition, red beans are very low in calories (only 6 per cent per 100 grams), and low prices. Even the red beans can cover 30 percent of the need for dietary fiber (fiber) and contains 168 mg of Omega-3 fatty acids and 107 mg of Omega-6 fatty acids.

Nutritional Benefits Of Red Beans

Seeing a variety of kidney bean in nutrient content, can be explained the benefits, such as:
a) Present bad cholesterol and facilitate digestion (anti-constipation). Fibernya high content of fermentation in the colon and produce acid short-chain fatty acids, which can inhibit liver cholesterol synthesis. Not to mention the content of Omega-3 and Omega-6 will also be very helpful;
b) Preventing the risk of diabetes because the content is low of glycemic index and slow digestion of carbohydrates;
c) Supporting the maturation of red blood cells, helps the synthesis of DNA and RNA, and decrease levels of homocysteine in the arteries (thus reducing the risk of heart disease) with the content of folate and vitamin B6;
d) Assisting diet programs because the fiber will make you feel full and also very low calorie. In addition, content of protein beneficial to the development of the body's muscle mass;
e) Maintaining the function of the nervous system, carbohydrate metabolism, and prevent diseases of sheep with the content of thiamin;
f) Helps metabolism process of amino acid, fatty acids, lipids, gluconeogenesis, synthesis of the neurotransmitter, histamine synthesis, synthesis and function of hemoglobin as well as maintaining healthy skin with vitamin B6;
g) Supporting the process of blood clotting in wounds;
h) Support for creating the main component of red blood cells, the formation of enzymes, the formation of bone, preventing the risk of anemia (low blood) containing minerals zinc, iron and copper;

Red Beans Cooking Tips

To reduce the toxin content (lectin phytohaemagglutinin) and intestinal gas produced by the oligosaccharide red beans, there are several steps that can be done. After the soaked beans, discard the water, boiled with water in a closed pan for 2-3 minutes, then let stand for 2 hours. Discard cooking water, add new water at room temperature until the beans completely submerged. After two hours, discard the water again and add more water and let it be soaked overnight before actually going to be cooked.

Making Your Body Stronger ? Doing Like Popeye


Habbit of sailors in the cartoon character Popeye, to make the body strong through spinach consumption is justified by scientific. A recent study said the consumption of spinach a day to make efficient muscle performance.

Mentioned in the study consumed 300 g spinach vegetables reduces the required 5% of oxygen in the body during activity. At least that the effect will last for three days.

"The secret is not iron but a natural nitrate contained in vegetables," said Dr. Eddie Weitzberg, researchers from the Karolinska Institutet, Sweden as quoted by the Telegraph.co.uk, this weekend. Witzberg explain nitrate compounds contained in spinach make the mitochondria, a kind of machinery in the cell, working efficiently.

"You could say that, similar to spinach addictive substances for muscles", said. That the effect is noticeable, Witzberg advised public to consume natural compounds of nitrate content in spinach dish every day.

Now, the researchers has intended to insert compounds of nitrate into a variety of plants to produce more energy. So far, researchers have not found a species of vegetables with high natural nitrates, such as spinach.

"We know that eating vegetables and fruits to prevent the risk of heart disease and diabetes, but what nutrients associated with these effects are not known," he explained.

From previous research, Weitzberg and Jon Lundberg concludes consumption naturally supports the oxidation of nitric oxide in the good bacteria in the human body. In addition, nitrate is also making more efficient mitochondrial function in the job.

Popeye is a cartoon character who is quite popular even today. Cartoon character who first appeared in 1930 it is not directly campaign spinach consumption in children. Apparently the spinach-related research to justify the means used by Popeye, when the body wants to be stronger then eat spinach.

Eating Celery Before Lovemaking Give You Incredible Effect


Stimulants is not necessary if you just want to increase the passion and stamina during sex. Simply by eating vegetables celery before or during sex, the efficacy of the outside usually feels like a can instantly viagra effects.

Eating celery before or during sex can increase your sex drive can be felt by both men and women.

Celery (Apium graveolens L.) was mentioned as a vegetable viagra effectiveness or vegetables of stimulants, drugs such as Viagra (sildenafril). The term was popularized by three investigators United States: DRA. Judy Garman, Dr. Walter Gaman and Dr. Mark Anderson.

Celery deserving awakening during the sexual act is a compound of androstenona. This compound is a natural steroid that stimulates the release of pheromones and male trap, hormones so that they can take your most enthusiastic partner.

In a book called Stay Young: Ten Steps Proven Ultimate Health, the researchers say that the direct effect of eating celery can be felt immediately. To be more enthusiastic partners, men can chew celery before or during sex.

For the man himself, celery consumption can increase the production of ejakulat fluid released during ejaculation. As quoted from Newsoxy, Monday (02/14/2011), some people consider to increase the volume ejakulat like this can give the sensation of its own pleasure when reaching orgasm.

However, some experts still doubt the efficacy of celery. While they can’t deny that all kinds of vegetables have health benefits, espesially that celery success in improving the sexual drive, but considered not to be aligned with patent medicines such as Viagra.

Especially in this book also provides a number of researchers note. Among others say that the benefits of celery may not be felt in certain circumstances including in smoker or overweight.