Drinking Black Coffee In The Morning To Make Sperm Agile


Drinking coffee in the morning seems to have become a habit many people. And according to the study, drinking black coffee in the morning can make sperm more agile men.

For coffee addicts, cup of coffee in the morning can improve morale and enthusiasm for the move. Not only that, a study conducted by the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, found that drinking black coffee in the morning is also beneficial for male fertility.

The results have been published in the Journal of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine conference in San Antonio, said that black coffee can make sperm swim faster and increase male fertility.

The research study group from the University of Sao Paulo said that men who regularly drank a cup of coffee every morning to have sperm that can swim more agile than men who never drank coffee in the morning, as reported by iscco.org, Thursday (02 / 24 / 2011).

The study was conducted in 750 men who will do a vasectomy (surgical contraception for men) and divided into four groups based on the amount of coffee consumed.

Four groups are groups who do not drink coffee, light coffee drinkers (between 1-3 cups of coffee per day), coffee drinkers (between 4-6 cups a day) and heavy coffee drinkers (more than 6 cups per day), with scale size cup 100 ml.

As a result, participants who drank regular coffee each day (1-3 cups of coffee per day) had a much better quality sperm than men who do not drink coffee.

According to the researchers, the content of caffeine in coffee can help the sperm swim faster than sperm sample, to help improve the process of IVF (in-vitro fertilization), the method of fertilization outside the womb.

But remember, drinking coffee with sugar content a little better, unlike most ordinary Indonesian people who give too much sugar.

Excessive coffee drinking can increase the stroke because of damage to blood vessel walls. In pregnant women can increase heart rate, attack the placenta, into the blood circulation and a more severe may cause death.

Garlic Is Able To Clean The Plaque In Blood Vessels


Garlic is known to treat high blood pressure. Researchers found eating garlic may serve to cleanse the arteries or blood vessels.

Garlic may slow the progression of atherosclerosis, a condition that can cause plaque and harmful to blood vessels.

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) said that since thousands of years ago people have the habit of eating garlic because it is believed to be drugs.

Based on reports from the University of Maryland Medical Center found that garlic has the ability to destroy the plaques found in blood vessel walls, as quoted from the LIVESTRONG, Wednesday (23/02/2011).

Several studies conducted in patients with atherosclerosis showed that the number of plaques decreased when patients were asked to eat garlic in supplement form. However, further studies are needed to ensure how to crush garlic plaque.

Another study also found that consumption of garlic can help lower blood total cholesterol and bad cholesterol (LDL), while increasing good cholesterol (HDL), thereby reducing the risk of plaque build up in arteries.

In addition, the results of research conducted by the Linus Pauling Institute says that garlic also has the ability to prevent blood clots in the arteries and reduce the number of platelets in the blood clotted.

While the garlic consumed in the form of powder or oil also seems to be effective in preventing blood clots in the arteries that can cause heart attacks or strokes.

If someone wants to eat garlic to cleanse the arteries, UMMC is recommended to consume 2-4 cloves of fresh garlic every day, or garlic can also be mixed in food.

Grapes Able To Bind Toxic Metals In The Brain


Benefits of grapes and other fruits in blue and purple in preventing dementia have been studied scientifically. Recent research reveals how it works, ie by binding toxic metals in the brain.

Toxins are compounds that form hydroxyl radicals from the iron that is not tied to perfection. In the brain, accumulation of these compounds cause cell damage and the emergence of one disease memepercepat degenerative dementia.

To neutralize the toxic effects caused, requires iron-binding compounds called chelator. These compounds will bind and detoxify iron so that they no longer harm brain cells.

One source of chelator easily found in everyday foods are fruits and vegetables, especially the blue or purple. Green tea, grapes and blueberries are examples of foods with high content of chelator.

A professor from the University of Manchester, Douglas Kell revealed that in a recent study. His discovery was published in the journal Archives of Toxicology, which was published recently.

Quoted from the Telegraph, on Thursday (9/12/2010), toxic metals are not perfect it must not only accelerate the risk of dementia. According to Prof Kell, these toxins also trigger a variety of other generative diseases that can affect every part of the body.

Previously thought, the benefits of grapes in preventing dementia is the effect of antioxidant content in it. This allegation also denied by Prof Kell, because antioxidants will not use a lot for toxic metals in a limited form perfect.