Diet Without Hunger with Papaya Fruit


Many people who want to get the ideal body shape but it certainly did not want to feel hungry. You can try to diet without feeling hungry by eating papaya fruit.

Papaya has long been known for health benefits. In 1875, British physician TP Lucas, start a hospital in Brisbane, Australia, who treats patients with papaya.

Papaya is a good source of fiber, folate, vitamin A, carotenoids, lutein, lycopene and essential amino acids that affect proper cell function.

Not only for therapeutic treatment, also known as fruit papaya that is suitable for people who want to lose weight.

LIVESTRONG Launched on Monday (11/22/2010), 1 whole papaya fruit has low calories. One medium size papaya fruit length of 5 inches (12.7 cm) and a diameter of 3 inches (7.6 cm) contains only 119 calories, less than 0.5 g fat, 24 g of natural sugar and 5.5 g fiber.

Papaya is also a diet can lose weight without hunger. High in fiber and water content in papaya fruit to fill in and help make the stomach feel full.

In addition, according to Dr. David A. Kessler, former FDA Commissioner in 'The Doctor's Book of Food Remedies' book, papaya contains papain (cysteine ​​protease enzyme hidrolase) that can aid digestion by breaking down proteins. This protein helps you feel satisfied and remain satisfied.

Papaya also has vitamin E four times as many, 33 percent more vitamin C, potassium and 50 percent fewer calories than orange.

The content of vitamin C in papaya fruit also helps provide energy reserves. Vitamin C in papaya can also help people to get a good sleep, so they can support the diet carried out.

An important part of the papaya is not just meat alone. Seeds, bark, leaves and fruit skins also contain elements that are not only nutritious, but have therapeutic properties (efficacious for therapy).

Papaya Could Desist Coming Wrinkles


Wrinkled skin is a natural process that can occur with age. Over time, skin loses elasticity, becomes dry and thin, so it will appear wrinkled. Papaya can help to prevent and delay the arrival of wrinkles.

Factors of age and aging, excessive sun exposure and smoking was a major contributor to menuaan skin and wrinkles, as reported by, Monday (03/28/2011).

A healthy diet can improve the health of the skin and help prevent wrinkles, one of which is the fruit of papaya.

Papaya contains a number of nutrients that help fight the signs of aging. The author Allison Tannis wrote in his book Feed Your Skin, Wrinkles starve you, papaya contains potassium, fiber, folic acid and magnesium panthothenic, which all contribute to healthy skin smooth and healthy.

In addition, papaya contains carotenoids, flavonoids, vitamins A, C and E, which act as antioxidants to fight free radicals that can damage the skin and collagen supply.

According Tannis, papain enzyme contained in papaya also act as Exfoliator (pengelupas) natural. This enzyme helps loosen and clean the dead skin cells that may be trapped in the hair follicles, clogging the pores and the potential to cause acne.

This is why many wrinkle cream contains exfoliating papaya extract, natural fruit enzymes to loosen dead skin cells and gently lift the top layer of skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Consumption of papaya is the easiest thing to do. But if you want to use as a mask can also be done.

To create a mask, papaya puree and mix with a little aloe vera gel or aloe vera, as reported by LIVESTRONG. Use this mixture on face and leave for more than five minutes. This mask can be a very dry time can be allowed to exceed the recommended.

When the mask is dry, wash with warm water and massage the face gently, then dry.

Overcome Constipation with Apple Juice


Constipation is a condition that is not fun and different ways people do to get rid of this problem. Constipation can be overcome by eating an apple juice.

The condition is called constipation if someone defecate less than 3 times a week. A person will feel full or bloated stomach and pain during bowel movements. These conditions of course make uncomfortable and disturbing.

Quoted from Healthcentral, Tuesday (06/07/2010) there are various causes of constipation is less intake of fiber, lack of drinking that make bowel movements more slowly, lack of exercise, certain medication, lifestyle changes, ignore the feelings for bowel movements and some diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome and other diseases related to digestive organs.

There are several things you can do to stop constipation, such as taking laxatives, exercising, eating fiber from vegetables and fruits. But one of the best methods that can overcome the constipation is to use apple juice.

Here are some ways you can do with apple juice to get rid of constipation, as reported by buzzle:

If you have a mild case of constipation, drink apple juice and fresh pear juice after getting out of bed in the morning and one hour before bedtime. Pears and apples will help provide additional fiber and minerals, vitamins and other substances that can cleanse the colon, kidney and blood cell regeneration.

If you experience chronic constipation cases, a mix between apple juice consumption and prune at least 3-4 times every day. If consumption of fresh apple juice may be as well. We recommend that consuming apple juice made their own juice and not from the packaging, because there is the possibility of apple juice has been mixed with material from the package. Apples themselves contain cholesterol and actually have enough fiber can help regulate bowel movements, because the apple juice may help fight constipation.