Diet Without Hunger with Papaya Fruit

Many people who want to get the ideal body shape but it certainly did not want to feel hungry. You can try to diet without feeling hungry by eating papaya fruit.

Papaya has long been known for health benefits. In 1875, British physician TP Lucas, start a hospital in Brisbane, Australia, who treats patients with papaya.

Papaya is a good source of fiber, folate, vitamin A, carotenoids, lutein, lycopene and essential amino acids that affect proper cell function.

Not only for therapeutic treatment, also known as fruit papaya that is suitable for people who want to lose weight.

LIVESTRONG Launched on Monday (11/22/2010), 1 whole papaya fruit has low calories. One medium size papaya fruit length of 5 inches (12.7 cm) and a diameter of 3 inches (7.6 cm) contains only 119 calories, less than 0.5 g fat, 24 g of natural sugar and 5.5 g fiber.

Papaya is also a diet can lose weight without hunger. High in fiber and water content in papaya fruit to fill in and help make the stomach feel full.

In addition, according to Dr. David A. Kessler, former FDA Commissioner in 'The Doctor's Book of Food Remedies' book, papaya contains papain (cysteine ​​protease enzyme hidrolase) that can aid digestion by breaking down proteins. This protein helps you feel satisfied and remain satisfied.

Papaya also has vitamin E four times as many, 33 percent more vitamin C, potassium and 50 percent fewer calories than orange.

The content of vitamin C in papaya fruit also helps provide energy reserves. Vitamin C in papaya can also help people to get a good sleep, so they can support the diet carried out.

An important part of the papaya is not just meat alone. Seeds, bark, leaves and fruit skins also contain elements that are not only nutritious, but have therapeutic properties (efficacious for therapy).

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