Study: Drinking Coffee After Lunch, Press Risk of Diabetes

If you are one of coffee lover, a recent study linked coffee consumption with exciting news. The results of the study concluded that drinking coffee after lunch to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, especially for people who are obese.

However, the linkage was not able to further confirmed and no further studies are revealing, if the benefit is obtained from time to drink coffee.

The study is a nutritional research large-scale European citizens involving 69,532 female participants from France. The women who participated were between 41-72 years old when they started the study to 11 years.

During the observation period, 1415 participants suffered diabeter type 2. In general, participants who drank at least three cups of coffee per day, have a risk of 27 per cent lower for diabetes.

Interestingly, the study found that participants who decreased diabetes risk, drink coffee at lunch time. Women who drank more than one cup of coffee after lunch every day, managed to reduce the risk of diabetes by 33 percent.

The researchers say that drinking coffee after lunch may have an advantage because the time or possibly related to the usual food eaten these coffee lovers.

( - March 11,2010)

1 Response to "Study: Drinking Coffee After Lunch, Press Risk of Diabetes"

  1. Kang Petruk Says:

    Artikel yg menarik buatku hari ini, thanks buat penulis artikel ^_^

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