Dehydration occurs when the level of water content in the body is too low. This condition can be prevented by increasing fluid intake. Symptoms of dehydration include headache, dizziness, lethargy, melancholy, low-power response, the channel dry nose, lips dry and cracked, body weakness urine is too yellow or dark, fatigue, and hallucinations. Finally, unable to remove the urine, renal failure to work, and the body is unable to remove the remnants of toxic metabolic processes. And even in extreme conditions can lead to death already.
Some causes dehydration such as :
a) Increased production of sweat because of hot weather, humidity, exercise, or fever.
b) Lack of drinking water.
c) Lack of body signals a good working mechanism in the elderly, so seniors sometimes do not feel thirsty despite being in a state of dehydration.
d) Increased output of urine due to hormone deficiency, diabetes, are in treatment or kidney disease.
e) Experiencing diarrhea or vomiting.
f) Being in the healing of burns.
When are we need more drinking water ?
If you do not drink enough water then the risk of kidney stones in women will increase and the risk of urinary tract infections will increase. There is also some evidence of increased risk of several types of cancer including bladder cancer and colon cancer. The condition of shortage of drinking water will also reduce physical and mental performance and salivary gland function.
The people who need more water intake, including :
a) They have a diet high in protein.
b) Those who undergo high-fiber diet, as fluids help prevent constipation.
c) They are including children. Those who suffer from vomiting or diarrhea disease.
d) Those who are physically active.
e) Those who have to deal with weather conditions and temperature of warm or hot.
f) They are included dehydration unconditioned older.
Older people tend to be at risk of dehydration, because of :
a) Changes in kidney function with age.
b) Hormonal changes.
c) Often do not feel thirsty (because the thirst mechanism signals the body that does not work optimally with age).
d) Being in treatment (eg treatment of diuretics and laxatives).
e) Suffering from chronic diseases.
f) Mobility is very low.
Dehydration In Infants And Children
Children can be very susceptible to dehydration conditions, especially if sick. Examples include vomiting, fever, and diarrhea can quickly dehydrated babies. This condition can be very dangerous for the safety of the baby. If you know the state of dehydration in young children or babies, then immediately take it to the nearest hospital.
Some symptoms of dehydration in children, such as :
The skin feels cold,
Mouth dry,
The condition of the bone anatomy of the head (fontanelle) depressed,
A little blue colored skin due to stagnant circulation.
Excess Water Intake (Hyponatremia)
Compare with the above conditions, drinking too much water also can damage the body and cause hyponatremia. This condition is known as a decrease in sodium levels in the blood to extremely low levels and dangerous. Sodium is needed in muscle contraction and nerve impulse transmission. If you drink too much water, the kidneys can not remove enough fluid. Excess water can cause headaches, blurred vision, cramps (and eventually convulsions), brain swelling, coma, and eventually death.
Reaching the level of excess, may cause over-consumption of water to several liters per day. excess water conditions occur commonly in people suffering from specific diseases or mental (for example, in some cases of schizophrenia) illness in infants who were fed with food baby too much liquid.
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