a Cup Of Tea To Make The Brain Stay Fit While Body Fatigue

The ability to think normally reduced when the body feels tired. But with a cup of tea, the brain is still guaranteed to be invited to think hard though the body in a state of tired and do not have the energy for physical activity.

Compared with coffee that only rely on caffeine as a fitness booster, tea has other content which is the compound L-theanin. This compound is an amino acid that is able to increase their vigilance and ensure that the brain is always awake in any condition.

Simply by sipping a cup of tea, L-theanin effects can be felt during the next 20 to 70 minutes. Concentration stay awake, the mind can still be relied upon even if the physical body can not perform strenuous activity.

Dutch researchers have proved this through a study published recently in the journal Nutritional Neuroscience. In that study, researchers used various types of tea including green tea and involved 44 volunteers aged less than 40 years.

The combination of L-theanin and caffeine in a cup of tea is proven to improve the accuracy of counting volunteers, and reduce drowsiness. Similar effects are not found in other groups who were given placebo in the form of other beverages that do not contain two compounds.

"Our results indicate that the combination of L-theanin and caffeine to maintain cognitive ability or the ability of the brain to think." the researchers wrote in the publication quoted from Dailymail, Sunday (02/27/2011).

The researchers also said the benefits of tea will not be reduced by adding a little milk to variations in the presentation. Milk does not inhibit the absorption of flavonoids and antioxidants and other compounds that are useful in a cup of tea.

In addition to maintaining brain function during fatigue, other benefits of drinking tea has also been frequently shown in various studies. Among them is that it can increase bone density and reduce the risk of cancer, heart attacks and Parkinson's.

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