Eye Training That Can Sharpen The Brain


Eye trainings, not only to strengthen the muscles around the eyes and improve vision, but also can increase the ability and cunning. How to doing?

Useful addition to the ability of vision, eye exercises can also improve concentration, memory and focus.

Reported by LIVESTRONG on Saturday (22/01/2011), here are some ways you can sharpen the brain exercises the brain:

1. Exercise to focus.
To train the mind focus and attention, ask someone to hold two small objects with different colors, such as colored pencils, small balls of yarn, coins or similar objects, in front or beside her shoulder.

Then you try to focus only on one object for a few seconds, then move the focus on the second. Vary the order of focus and time spent to see the different objects.

2. Tracking exercise.
Tracking not only train the eye muscles, but also helps the brain to anticipate and follow the path of moving objects. Do these exercises alone or with a partner.

Hold an object like a pencil in hand and slowly moving away from you. Focus on the end of a pencil, then move the pencil in a pattern, such as windshield wipers, then switch to the pattern of circles, clockwise and then counterclockwise.

This exercise helps to keep the focus and attention on moving objects and is often used as a treatment for attention disorders.

3. Exercise for memory.
Play a memory game using cards or similar objects are placed face down. Playing more than two cards at once to match identical cards that can improve memory.

You can also improve memory with eye exercises sway, according to research quoted in The Sunday Times. This exercise can increase the interaction between the right brain hemisphere and the left brain.

How, in the morning trying to shift the focus back and forth between two stationary objects for 30 seconds. For example, drag the view from one side of the screen computer to another or from one side of the bed to another.

4. Video games.
According to National Geographic, a video game that requires the object to track when using the mouse or keyboard to achieve the goal during play games to improve coordination between hand and eye. The game also can help the depth perception and ability to think and solve problems at the same time.

How To Make a Bright And Brilliant Brain


The brain is one important part of your body because they contain various central government agencies. But there are easy ways you can do to help preserve the brain so that it remains bright and brilliant.

To create a healthy brain needs food intake can increase the brain and do the exercises or activities to maintain cognitive function of the brain.

Here are some easy ways you can do to preserve the organs of the brain, as quoted from the LIVESTRONG, Tuesday (02/22/2011), namely:

Providing good food for the brain.
More than half of the brain consists of fat, so fat needed by the brain to maintain the sharpness of thinking and functioning properly.

Fats are needed, such as omega-3 fatty acids that are essential for brain function and cognitive development, and use good fats like olive or canola oil.

Besides fat, green vegetables can also help protect the brain from Alzheimer's disease and dementia (senile). Based on the 2009 study published in the journal Archives of Neurology showing that spinach and green vegetables that contain folic could ward off dementia and cognitive decline in conditions.

Food and other beverages that can improve brain performance are blueberries, blackberries, purple grape juice, apples, cinnamon and vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower.

Limber up the brain.
Dr Gayatri Devi as neurologists recommend people to do various activities that can stimulate other parts of the brain that lead to better cognitive health and comprehensive.

Activities that can be done is by doing sudoku, then switched to math problems, listening to classical music, dance, play tennis or socializing with people. Various activities will keep your brain well and train the brain to not only an active part.

Dr Devi said one way to generate healthy brain exercises or sports because physical exercises can make the body is functioning correctly and better cognitive function.

By getting a good physical activity will increase the intake of oxygen in the brain, the brain cells to maintain and enhance the growth of new nerve cells. Perform aerobic exercise 3-5 times a week.

The Miraculous Of Olive Oil


Excerpted from Prof. DR Made Astawan, a Professor in the Department of Food Science and Technology IPB, revealed that olive oil contains compounds such as phenols, tocopherols, sterols, pigments, and squalene, which plays an important role in health.

Olives also contain triacylglycerol, especially the type of monounsaturated fatty acid oleic acid (omega-9). Oleic acid content, 55-83 percent of total fatty acids. Because oleic acid is a monounsaturated fatty acid, a lower risk compared with oxidized linoleic acid (omega-6) and linolenic (omega-3).

Made explain further, the highest concentrations of squalene olive oil compared with other oil types. Squalene is an organic substance in liquid form distinctive odor but not because it contains no oil or fatty acid COOH (carboxyl), yellow or white node pseudo-colored.

Benefits of olive oil

Reducing the risk of heart disease.
Olive oil shown to facilitate blood flow, lowers blood pressure, regulate cholesterol and bad cholesterol by pressing type and keep the good - keep a healthy heart and prevent strokes has been proven scientifically. A study says, patients aged 64-71 years showed a decrease in total cholesterol after being given two tablespoons of olive oil every day.

Preventing cancer.
Researchers at Copenhagen University Hospital in Denmark found that olive oil reduces the cell damage that triggers cancer growth.

Getting rid of the bone joint pain.
Olive oil production to encourage substance prostaglandin, a substance to prevent swelling and pain.

Preventing osteoporosis.
Based on the publication in The British Journal of Nutrition, olive oil helps prevent osteoporosis, although it does not restore bone lost weight entirely.

Lowering blood sugar levels so as to prevent diabetes.
Because it can cut bad cholesterol, it automatically will help reduce the risk of diabetes and lowering blood sugar levels.

Beautifying and body slimming.
Their report, published in The British Journal of Nutrition said the use of olive oil to replace saturated oil for four weeks, without changing your diet, can reduce the weight gain to 2-3 kg. Other studies mentioned, olive oil can break down the cell adipocytes causes obesity. Extra virgin olive oil is recommended to replace saturated fats oils commonly consumed foods.

The Cooking Process.

To make roast beef, mix the olive oil and extra virgin olive oil on a regular basis. As for cooking meat, use olive oil regularly. When frying or grilling beef / chicken, forming compounds - lead to colon cancer, breast, pancreas, liver, and bladder. allegedly responsible for the rising incidence of breast and colon cancer in women in the United States of HCA. So the use of olive oil to cook the meat to reduce HCA - virgin olive oil is effective against colon cancer, while the extract components of virgin olive oil phenols than 50 mcg / ml to prevent the growth of colon cancer cells.