Myrmecodia Pendans

The ants nest with Myrmecodia pendans scientific name of plants therein is used as a nest of ants. Comprising ants labirun used as a hole to make its activities. Although the plants are unusual but owned treatment efficacy is remarkable.

According to research conducted by Dr. Ir. M. Ahkam Subroto M.App.Sc., a researcher who studied plants faithful ant to human health, this magical plant contain chemical compounds from the class of flavonoids and tannins. Many other researchers have also found the existence of such chemical. These substances are required plants to be part of her defense system against attacks from outside.

Flavonoids are compounds of natural materials that are part of phenolic compounds, which formed many plant pigments. For the human body, flavonoids are substances necessary for healthy diet. The body needs as an antioxidant flavonoids that are useful to prevent cancer. With the flavonoids in the body, many protected cell structure. When combined with vitamin C, flavonoids, beneficial to improve the performance of vitamin C, prevents bone loss, serves as antibiotics and anti-inflammatory.

Flavonoids are also shown to interfere with the effectiveness of microorganisms, which can be used as an antiviral, such as the HIV virus (the cause of AIDS) and herpes. Flavonoids are also able to prevent and treat asthma, cataracts, diabetes, rheumatism (arthritis), migraines, hemorrhoids, and inflammation of the connective tissue supporting the teeth roots, as well as preventing and treating cancer.

Therefore, ant plants have the capacity to treat various types of cancer or tumor, tuberculosis, and rheumatism (arthritis) because this plant contains flavonoids. In addition, plants contain substances ant others, namely tannins.

Tannins used for tanning leather. Tannins can also serve to treat diarrhea, stop bleeding, treat hemorrhoids and bleeding. Because it contains tannins, proven ant plants can treat hemorrhoids and nosebleeds.

In addition, these epiphytes plants also contain antioxidants tocopherol (vitamin E) and some other minerals such as calcium, sodium, potassium, zinc, iron, phosphorus and magnesium. The benefits of calcium for the body is very large, because calcium can help the performance of the heart, nerve pulses, and help the process of blood clotting. Useful iron to form hemoglobin, sends oxygen to all parts of the body and trigger the production of enzymes. Phosphorus is useful to absorb calcium and produce energy.

Sodium electrolyte balancing act, the volume of body fluids and nerve impulses. Potassium is a substance needed to help the work of the heart rhythm, nerve impulses and acid base balance. The presence of zinc is useful for the synthesis of proteins, sexual function, storage of insulin, carbohydrate metabolism and wound healing. Then magnesium useful for making bones, liver, and muscle, works well.


1 Response to "Myrmecodia Pendans"

  1. alrisjualan Says:

    Salam kenal, kunjungan pertama. Salam sukses.

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