Natural ingredients to Treat acne scars


Acne is indeed annoying, especially when leaving scars that are sometimes hard to be eliminated. Before trying the cream of a dermatologist, no harm in trying natural ingredients in your kitchen.

If you pustulous; keep the hands of the face because of oil and dirt in a hand can make pimpled worse. In addition, don ' t hit play pimpled, because it can cause skin irritation bleeding, infection, leaving a and scar tissue.

The following are several natural materials that can eliminate former pimpled :

1.Lemon water

Apply a few drops of pure lime juice for your scars every day. Lemon water is considered a natural bleaching agent for skin and helps remove acne scars.

2. Honey

The honey is excellent for removing acne scars. Use honey on acne scars and the entire face to get quick results. Honey is not only dealing with the scars, but it also makes the skin more glowing. It is also known as a natural moisturizer for the skin during the winter is very dry.

3. Cucumber extract

Fresh cucumber extract is also able to remove acne. Use on acne scars about twice a day to get rid of acne scars and blemishes.

4. Sandalwood powder and water roses

One of the simple deprive former pimpled is with powder cendana and water roses. Apply a mixture of powdered cendana and rose water to scars and the affected areas and let last night then washing in the morning. But for it to be better be sure to use powdered cendana who so pure.

5. Lavender oil

Lavender oil can be used as a medicine for relieving the excellent whilom pimpled. Apply it twice a day at scars and see results within a few days.

Get Nutrition Most Optimal from Apples

If has a habit of peeling bark fruit before ate apples, you should stop those habits. Because way to get nutrition most optimal from apples namely by eating together his skin.

According to tanya zucketbrot, experts diet certified from new york, was unfortunate to throw skin apple before eat it. The reason, contained many nutrients beneficial in outermost layer apple of this.

1. Vitamin
Skin apple contains vitamins a which correct vision and growth of cells. Besides skin apple also contain vitamin C supporting system immunity strength and increasing production collagen to our skin healthy. Content vitamin K also helps the clotting of blood. Content  folat also aimed to the formation of new cells.

According to the study of the university of illinois, the apple is a source, minerals vital to human body as calcium potassium, and phosphorus. Calcium and phosphorus is important to bone mineral and strong teeth. While potassium needed to health body cells heart, and digestive system.

Apple containing fibers soluble and insoluble at once, and about two-thirds content fibers on apples were in his skin. Fiber having functions very much for health, from going lower cholesterol levels, improve health digestion, until help controlling weight. Average apple of medium size containing 4.4 grams fibers, and is diminished when not eaten with his skin.

4. Antioxidant
The skin of apple having compound phytochemical as flavonoid and acid phenolic fightingthe who assists the body free radicals. Free radical known can undermine cells and causing disease. Feed on apples with his skin also give you the benefits of triterpenoid who assists against cancer, such as cancer of the heart, the large intestine, and the breast.

Traditional Treatment to Remove Stretch marks (Skin Problems)

Stretch marks are one of the most feared women's skin problems. With the stretch mark, especially on his and abdomen, many women so insecure made earlier. Many women so no confidence against it.

Basically, stretch mark caused stretching leather excessive a quick and the result of overweight or growth so collagen distorted and did not return to its original shape.
To get rid of stretch marks, not few people willingly spend more treatments to perform with a dermatologist or cosmetic.

In fact, there is also a home remedy of natural ingredients that can try to get rid of stretch marks.

1.Lemon Juice

Naturally, lemon juice contains acid and whiten. So, this could be the most effective drug to reduce and eliminate stretch marks. Apply lemon juice to your skin with a circular motion and then wait ten minutes so that the juices percolating. Then rinse and repeat several times.

2. Aloe Vera

Stretch marks indicate that the skin has lost its elasticity. Thus, with its cool, Aloe Vera gel can restore elasticity to the skin so that it can cure stretch marks. You can direct rubbing Aloe Vera gel to the stretch marks. Mix Aloe Vera gel with vitamin E is better.

3. Egg White

Egg whites containing an amino acid and protein known have healing strestch mark. Shake two white of eggs until little somewhat stiff, ago with uses a sponge dab white of eggs into the stretch mark and let dry up. After that, rinse with cold water and dab little olive oil to moisten the area.

4.  Castor Oil

In India, the post-birth mothers will be massaged using castor oil after that continued with a warm bath. The traditional way is also used for modern women to get rid of stretch marks, you know because castor oil is moisturize and help eliminate wrinkles. Therefore, applying the Castor oil followed by a warm bath can remove stretch marks.

Heart Attack While Slouching Was More Deadly


Cases of sudden death while exercising most often triggered by a heart attack. But do not be afraid to exercise, according to research for heart attack while lazing about 3 times more deadly than during exercise.

Scientists in the Netherlands confirmed it after examining approximately 2517 cases of cardiac arrest occurring outside the hospital. Of those, 6 percent or about 145 cases occurred while the patient was doing sports activities.

The results of data analysis showed that of all the patients who had a heart attack while exercising nearly half or exactly 45 percent could be saved from death. Chances of survival in patients who had a heart attack while lazing lower, ie 15 percent.

Though the type of exercise performed the patients in the study was not just a walk or other exercise. Some may say heavy, such as playing tennis, biking, swimming and exercise in the gym or fitness centers.

This is indeed strenuous known to trigger heart attacks, especially for those who have a history of heart problems. Increased heart rate during strenuous physical activity often leads to congestive heart failure.

"Although physical activity is the best way to improve cardiovascular fitness, exercise can also trigger heart attacks that are acute but deadly," said one penleiti, Dr. Arend Moesterd of the Meander Medical Centre, as quoted from Dailymail, Monday (27/08/2012) .

Based on the research, Dr Moesterd concludes the sport remain healthier than lazy. If both have a heart attack, people who diligently exercise had a better chance to survive than lazy.

Dr Moesterd believe, the cause is the fitness factor to remember those who diligently exercise tend to be fitter so better able to survive when having a heart attack. Another factor is the factor of first aid, considering the sport is usually done in a public place so that access to first aid is easier than being lazy at home.

Turmeric Boost The Immune System


Turmeric which we know as a spice in cooking turned out to save tremendous benefits for health. A study re-discovered the benefits of the consumption of curry (turmeric as the main ingredient) to help prevent new infections by strengthening the immune system.

The scientists claim that a compound found in turmeric may help increase levels of cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide or protein CAMP which helps the immune system fight bacteria, viruses or fungi. As is known, turmeric is a spice commonly found in Asia and has been used for 2,500 years in traditional Indian medicine Ayurveda.

Previous research has found that vitamin D may also increase levels of CAMP protein. But the difference is, high levels of vitamin D in the body can be toxic and can cause more calcium is released in the blood causing hypercalcemia - which can lead to symptoms such as loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting.

Researchers said the findings could lead the way for new research in the field of nutrition and pharmacology.

"This study is a new way to regulate gene expression CAMP," said Adrian Gombart, a professor of biochemistry and biophysics at the Linus Pauling Institute, Cornvallis, Oregon who published the findings in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry ..

"It's interesting and somewhat surprising that curcumin could do that and it can be an alternative option for developing medical therapies," he added.

Gombart and the team also compared the efficacy of curcumin and omega-3 fatty acids in increasing CAMP gene expression. The results showed that omega-3 fatty acids did not appear to be useful in improving protein. Meanwhile, laboratory experiments showed that curcumin in turmeric has nearly tripled the ability to boost the levels of cAMP in human cells.

"Curcumin as part of turmeric, commonly consumed in the diet at a low enough level," said Gombart. "However, with the continuous consumption over time a person can be healthy and helps protect against infection, particularly in the stomach and intestines," he added.

Curcumin, which is known to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, is currently also being studied by scientists in the UK as a compound that is effective against cancer. Researchers hope that curcumin can increase the efficacy of chemotherapy and reduce the side effects.

"We have shown that curcumin has more than 100 ways to destroy cancer cells, particularly colon cancer cells," said Professor Will Stewart of England University in Leicester.

"One of the main mechanisms that affect the way they work (curcumin) is that they grow up in the blood vessels," added Stewart.

Avocados Make Women Infertile


If you are a young couple trying to get pregnant, it is advisable to pay more attention to nutrition and food. With nutrition and good nutrition, fertility will increase. Opportunities to get pregnant even bigger.

One of the recommendations should be considered in improving fertility, particularly in women, is to eat an avocado. The study showed that consumption of avocado and salad with olive oil mixture can help women get a descent. This applies particularly to those who were undergoing IVF or in-vitro fertilization (IVF).

Researchers found, monounsaturated fats are found in olive oil, sunflower oil, nuts, and seeds fats are better than others for expectant mothers. Those who get the intake of unsaturated fats have the highest chance of pregnancy is 3.4 times greater after IVF than those consuming the lowest amounts.

In contrast, in women who consume too much saturated fat-is commonly found in butter and red meat, egg production so that they are less likely to affect the success of IVF.

The scientists believe that monounsaturated fats-are already well known for heart-to increase fertility by reducing inflammation in the body. The results of this research will be presented at the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology in Istanbul.

"What kind of food is best to eat an avocado, a high content of monounsaturated fats and olive oil," said Professor Jorge Chavarro, leader of the research.

"This is the first time to our knowledge that dietary fat associated with treatment outcome in IVF," he said.

Prof Chavarro examined 147 women undergoing IVF at the Massachusetts General Hospital Fertility Center. In his study, he found an association between high monounsaturated fat content and the live birth rate. A high intake of monounsaturated fat linked to a higher chance of pregnancy is 3.4 times more than those who only got a little intake of monounsaturated fat.

"Different types of fat are known to have different effects on biological processes that can affect reproductive outcomes, such as acute inflammation or insulin sensitivity," said Chavarro, adding that the fish remains the best source of omega 3 fatty acids, although this is not spelled out in the research contribution.

Diet Without Hunger with Papaya Fruit


Many people who want to get the ideal body shape but it certainly did not want to feel hungry. You can try to diet without feeling hungry by eating papaya fruit.

Papaya has long been known for health benefits. In 1875, British physician TP Lucas, start a hospital in Brisbane, Australia, who treats patients with papaya.

Papaya is a good source of fiber, folate, vitamin A, carotenoids, lutein, lycopene and essential amino acids that affect proper cell function.

Not only for therapeutic treatment, also known as fruit papaya that is suitable for people who want to lose weight.

LIVESTRONG Launched on Monday (11/22/2010), 1 whole papaya fruit has low calories. One medium size papaya fruit length of 5 inches (12.7 cm) and a diameter of 3 inches (7.6 cm) contains only 119 calories, less than 0.5 g fat, 24 g of natural sugar and 5.5 g fiber.

Papaya is also a diet can lose weight without hunger. High in fiber and water content in papaya fruit to fill in and help make the stomach feel full.

In addition, according to Dr. David A. Kessler, former FDA Commissioner in 'The Doctor's Book of Food Remedies' book, papaya contains papain (cysteine ​​protease enzyme hidrolase) that can aid digestion by breaking down proteins. This protein helps you feel satisfied and remain satisfied.

Papaya also has vitamin E four times as many, 33 percent more vitamin C, potassium and 50 percent fewer calories than orange.

The content of vitamin C in papaya fruit also helps provide energy reserves. Vitamin C in papaya can also help people to get a good sleep, so they can support the diet carried out.

An important part of the papaya is not just meat alone. Seeds, bark, leaves and fruit skins also contain elements that are not only nutritious, but have therapeutic properties (efficacious for therapy).

Papaya Could Desist Coming Wrinkles


Wrinkled skin is a natural process that can occur with age. Over time, skin loses elasticity, becomes dry and thin, so it will appear wrinkled. Papaya can help to prevent and delay the arrival of wrinkles.

Factors of age and aging, excessive sun exposure and smoking was a major contributor to menuaan skin and wrinkles, as reported by, Monday (03/28/2011).

A healthy diet can improve the health of the skin and help prevent wrinkles, one of which is the fruit of papaya.

Papaya contains a number of nutrients that help fight the signs of aging. The author Allison Tannis wrote in his book Feed Your Skin, Wrinkles starve you, papaya contains potassium, fiber, folic acid and magnesium panthothenic, which all contribute to healthy skin smooth and healthy.

In addition, papaya contains carotenoids, flavonoids, vitamins A, C and E, which act as antioxidants to fight free radicals that can damage the skin and collagen supply.

According Tannis, papain enzyme contained in papaya also act as Exfoliator (pengelupas) natural. This enzyme helps loosen and clean the dead skin cells that may be trapped in the hair follicles, clogging the pores and the potential to cause acne.

This is why many wrinkle cream contains exfoliating papaya extract, natural fruit enzymes to loosen dead skin cells and gently lift the top layer of skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Consumption of papaya is the easiest thing to do. But if you want to use as a mask can also be done.

To create a mask, papaya puree and mix with a little aloe vera gel or aloe vera, as reported by LIVESTRONG. Use this mixture on face and leave for more than five minutes. This mask can be a very dry time can be allowed to exceed the recommended.

When the mask is dry, wash with warm water and massage the face gently, then dry.

Overcome Constipation with Apple Juice


Constipation is a condition that is not fun and different ways people do to get rid of this problem. Constipation can be overcome by eating an apple juice.

The condition is called constipation if someone defecate less than 3 times a week. A person will feel full or bloated stomach and pain during bowel movements. These conditions of course make uncomfortable and disturbing.

Quoted from Healthcentral, Tuesday (06/07/2010) there are various causes of constipation is less intake of fiber, lack of drinking that make bowel movements more slowly, lack of exercise, certain medication, lifestyle changes, ignore the feelings for bowel movements and some diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome and other diseases related to digestive organs.

There are several things you can do to stop constipation, such as taking laxatives, exercising, eating fiber from vegetables and fruits. But one of the best methods that can overcome the constipation is to use apple juice.

Here are some ways you can do with apple juice to get rid of constipation, as reported by buzzle:

If you have a mild case of constipation, drink apple juice and fresh pear juice after getting out of bed in the morning and one hour before bedtime. Pears and apples will help provide additional fiber and minerals, vitamins and other substances that can cleanse the colon, kidney and blood cell regeneration.

If you experience chronic constipation cases, a mix between apple juice consumption and prune at least 3-4 times every day. If consumption of fresh apple juice may be as well. We recommend that consuming apple juice made their own juice and not from the packaging, because there is the possibility of apple juice has been mixed with material from the package. Apples themselves contain cholesterol and actually have enough fiber can help regulate bowel movements, because the apple juice may help fight constipation.

The Most Fruit Vegetables And a Little To Absorb Pesticides


In certain amount, the use of pesticides for fruit and vegetable crops can still be tolerated body. There are vegetables and fruits that are most prone to absorb pesticides but there are also thick-skinned fruits and vegetables are less exposed to pesticide contamination

Fruits and vegetables are believed to healthy diet rich in fiber. But the latest health report actually found 67 kinds of pesticides on fruit and ultimately make 'dirty' vegetable.

Environmental Working Group, which is a U.S. nonprofit group that focuses on the problem, researching almost 100,000 fruit and vegetables that are suspected to contain pesticides. This is to determine the fruits and vegetables that have a (waste) residues of hazardous chemicals.

The most concern is the 'dirty dozen' of fruit and vegetables is called, which contains 47-67 pesticides per serving. This is food that is believed to be most vulnerable because it has a soft and thin skin, so it tends to absorb more pesticides.

Pesticides are chemicals used to control, deny, fishing or eradicate the pests, diseases and weeds that have no effect on the plant. Pesticides are often called 'poison' as. But many farmers who use pesticides to prevent damage or decay.

When exposure to pesticides is too much, so that pesticides can cause many health problems like cancer, ADHD in children, disorders of the nervous system and weaken the immune system.

"It's important to know what fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of pesticides," said Amy Rosenthal from the Environmental Working Group, as quoted by CNN on Wednesday (02/06/2010).

Rosenthal also said that his group perform the testing of pesticides after fruit and vegetables are washed with water with high pressure systems from the USDA (USDA high-power water system pressure).

Here's 'dirty dozen' or 12 fruits and vegetables that absorb the most pesticides:

Celery, Peaches, Strawberries, Apples, Blueberry, Nectarine (Peach), Peppers, Spinach, Cherries, Potatoes, Grapes, Lettuce

While the crust is thick fruit and vegetables to prevent contamination of pesticides. Fruit and vegetable group dubbed the 'Clean 15', ie who have low levels of pesticides or even none at all:

Onions, Avocado, sweet corn, pineapple, mango, peas, asparagus, kiwi fruit, Cabbage, Eggplant, Melon Yellow, Watermelon, Orange Bali, sweet potato, onion

Fight Disease With Tomatoes


Red tomatoes and fresh herbs can not only be used as a complement to the cuisine, but also can be used as drugs to combat various diseases. In fact, cooked tomatoes more profitable than raw tomatoes.

Scientists from the National Center for Food and Safety in Illinois revealed that eating tomatoes can help reduce the risk of cancer, osteoporosis and heart disease.

Not only fresh raw tomatoes, cooked tomatoes or a mixture of food turned out to provide more benefits.

According to scientists, fresh red vegetables are a source of foods containing lycopene (a powerful antioxidant) majority. And unlike other fruit or vegetable, the content of antioxidants in tomatoes are potentially more after cooking.

The scientists explain that nutrition has a protective mechanism that may help prevent inflammation and blood clotting.

"Utilizing the tomatoes and tomato products may be one simple and effective strategies to help people increase their intake of vegetables, which causes an increase in overall food and ultimately better health," explained Dr. Britt Burton-Freeman and and Dr. Kristin Reimers, who did research, as reported by Dailymail, Saturday (05/03/2011).

According to Dr Reimers, this study underlines the link between eating tomatoes and reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease and other health disorders.

"The evidence also shows that consumption of tomatoes should be recommended because of the nutritional benefits and because it is simple and effective strategy to increase intake of vegetables as a whole," added Dr Reimers.

This research report has been published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine.

a Cup Of Tea To Make The Brain Stay Fit While Body Fatigue


The ability to think normally reduced when the body feels tired. But with a cup of tea, the brain is still guaranteed to be invited to think hard though the body in a state of tired and do not have the energy for physical activity.

Compared with coffee that only rely on caffeine as a fitness booster, tea has other content which is the compound L-theanin. This compound is an amino acid that is able to increase their vigilance and ensure that the brain is always awake in any condition.

Simply by sipping a cup of tea, L-theanin effects can be felt during the next 20 to 70 minutes. Concentration stay awake, the mind can still be relied upon even if the physical body can not perform strenuous activity.

Dutch researchers have proved this through a study published recently in the journal Nutritional Neuroscience. In that study, researchers used various types of tea including green tea and involved 44 volunteers aged less than 40 years.

The combination of L-theanin and caffeine in a cup of tea is proven to improve the accuracy of counting volunteers, and reduce drowsiness. Similar effects are not found in other groups who were given placebo in the form of other beverages that do not contain two compounds.

"Our results indicate that the combination of L-theanin and caffeine to maintain cognitive ability or the ability of the brain to think." the researchers wrote in the publication quoted from Dailymail, Sunday (02/27/2011).

The researchers also said the benefits of tea will not be reduced by adding a little milk to variations in the presentation. Milk does not inhibit the absorption of flavonoids and antioxidants and other compounds that are useful in a cup of tea.

In addition to maintaining brain function during fatigue, other benefits of drinking tea has also been frequently shown in various studies. Among them is that it can increase bone density and reduce the risk of cancer, heart attacks and Parkinson's.

Drinking Black Coffee In The Morning To Make Sperm Agile


Drinking coffee in the morning seems to have become a habit many people. And according to the study, drinking black coffee in the morning can make sperm more agile men.

For coffee addicts, cup of coffee in the morning can improve morale and enthusiasm for the move. Not only that, a study conducted by the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, found that drinking black coffee in the morning is also beneficial for male fertility.

The results have been published in the Journal of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine conference in San Antonio, said that black coffee can make sperm swim faster and increase male fertility.

The research study group from the University of Sao Paulo said that men who regularly drank a cup of coffee every morning to have sperm that can swim more agile than men who never drank coffee in the morning, as reported by, Thursday (02 / 24 / 2011).

The study was conducted in 750 men who will do a vasectomy (surgical contraception for men) and divided into four groups based on the amount of coffee consumed.

Four groups are groups who do not drink coffee, light coffee drinkers (between 1-3 cups of coffee per day), coffee drinkers (between 4-6 cups a day) and heavy coffee drinkers (more than 6 cups per day), with scale size cup 100 ml.

As a result, participants who drank regular coffee each day (1-3 cups of coffee per day) had a much better quality sperm than men who do not drink coffee.

According to the researchers, the content of caffeine in coffee can help the sperm swim faster than sperm sample, to help improve the process of IVF (in-vitro fertilization), the method of fertilization outside the womb.

But remember, drinking coffee with sugar content a little better, unlike most ordinary Indonesian people who give too much sugar.

Excessive coffee drinking can increase the stroke because of damage to blood vessel walls. In pregnant women can increase heart rate, attack the placenta, into the blood circulation and a more severe may cause death.

Garlic Is Able To Clean The Plaque In Blood Vessels


Garlic is known to treat high blood pressure. Researchers found eating garlic may serve to cleanse the arteries or blood vessels.

Garlic may slow the progression of atherosclerosis, a condition that can cause plaque and harmful to blood vessels.

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) said that since thousands of years ago people have the habit of eating garlic because it is believed to be drugs.

Based on reports from the University of Maryland Medical Center found that garlic has the ability to destroy the plaques found in blood vessel walls, as quoted from the LIVESTRONG, Wednesday (23/02/2011).

Several studies conducted in patients with atherosclerosis showed that the number of plaques decreased when patients were asked to eat garlic in supplement form. However, further studies are needed to ensure how to crush garlic plaque.

Another study also found that consumption of garlic can help lower blood total cholesterol and bad cholesterol (LDL), while increasing good cholesterol (HDL), thereby reducing the risk of plaque build up in arteries.

In addition, the results of research conducted by the Linus Pauling Institute says that garlic also has the ability to prevent blood clots in the arteries and reduce the number of platelets in the blood clotted.

While the garlic consumed in the form of powder or oil also seems to be effective in preventing blood clots in the arteries that can cause heart attacks or strokes.

If someone wants to eat garlic to cleanse the arteries, UMMC is recommended to consume 2-4 cloves of fresh garlic every day, or garlic can also be mixed in food.

Grapes Able To Bind Toxic Metals In The Brain


Benefits of grapes and other fruits in blue and purple in preventing dementia have been studied scientifically. Recent research reveals how it works, ie by binding toxic metals in the brain.

Toxins are compounds that form hydroxyl radicals from the iron that is not tied to perfection. In the brain, accumulation of these compounds cause cell damage and the emergence of one disease memepercepat degenerative dementia.

To neutralize the toxic effects caused, requires iron-binding compounds called chelator. These compounds will bind and detoxify iron so that they no longer harm brain cells.

One source of chelator easily found in everyday foods are fruits and vegetables, especially the blue or purple. Green tea, grapes and blueberries are examples of foods with high content of chelator.

A professor from the University of Manchester, Douglas Kell revealed that in a recent study. His discovery was published in the journal Archives of Toxicology, which was published recently.

Quoted from the Telegraph, on Thursday (9/12/2010), toxic metals are not perfect it must not only accelerate the risk of dementia. According to Prof Kell, these toxins also trigger a variety of other generative diseases that can affect every part of the body.

Previously thought, the benefits of grapes in preventing dementia is the effect of antioxidant content in it. This allegation also denied by Prof Kell, because antioxidants will not use a lot for toxic metals in a limited form perfect.