Myrmecodia Pendans


The ants nest with Myrmecodia pendans scientific name of plants therein is used as a nest of ants. Comprising ants labirun used as a hole to make its activities. Although the plants are unusual but owned treatment efficacy is remarkable.

According to research conducted by Dr. Ir. M. Ahkam Subroto M.App.Sc., a researcher who studied plants faithful ant to human health, this magical plant contain chemical compounds from the class of flavonoids and tannins. Many other researchers have also found the existence of such chemical. These substances are required plants to be part of her defense system against attacks from outside.

Flavonoids are compounds of natural materials that are part of phenolic compounds, which formed many plant pigments. For the human body, flavonoids are substances necessary for healthy diet. The body needs as an antioxidant flavonoids that are useful to prevent cancer. With the flavonoids in the body, many protected cell structure. When combined with vitamin C, flavonoids, beneficial to improve the performance of vitamin C, prevents bone loss, serves as antibiotics and anti-inflammatory.

Flavonoids are also shown to interfere with the effectiveness of microorganisms, which can be used as an antiviral, such as the HIV virus (the cause of AIDS) and herpes. Flavonoids are also able to prevent and treat asthma, cataracts, diabetes, rheumatism (arthritis), migraines, hemorrhoids, and inflammation of the connective tissue supporting the teeth roots, as well as preventing and treating cancer.

Therefore, ant plants have the capacity to treat various types of cancer or tumor, tuberculosis, and rheumatism (arthritis) because this plant contains flavonoids. In addition, plants contain substances ant others, namely tannins.

Tannins used for tanning leather. Tannins can also serve to treat diarrhea, stop bleeding, treat hemorrhoids and bleeding. Because it contains tannins, proven ant plants can treat hemorrhoids and nosebleeds.

In addition, these epiphytes plants also contain antioxidants tocopherol (vitamin E) and some other minerals such as calcium, sodium, potassium, zinc, iron, phosphorus and magnesium. The benefits of calcium for the body is very large, because calcium can help the performance of the heart, nerve pulses, and help the process of blood clotting. Useful iron to form hemoglobin, sends oxygen to all parts of the body and trigger the production of enzymes. Phosphorus is useful to absorb calcium and produce energy.

Sodium electrolyte balancing act, the volume of body fluids and nerve impulses. Potassium is a substance needed to help the work of the heart rhythm, nerve impulses and acid base balance. The presence of zinc is useful for the synthesis of proteins, sexual function, storage of insulin, carbohydrate metabolism and wound healing. Then magnesium useful for making bones, liver, and muscle, works well.


Bananas to Boost Concentrations of Children


Bananas, including nutrient dense fruit and energy. Soft texture makes banana fruit is often used for baby food choices. For children, bananas can also be a healthy lunch to school.

In many developed countries, bananas are often the food the children to school. They also put pieces of banana into the cereal and milk for breakfast. Bananas provide enough energy for the children to be ready to follow the lessons in school.

Dr Ir Sobir of Research Center of Tropical Fruits IPB explains, a study of the banana committed against students at 200 schools Twickehnham in Middlesex, England. They are given additional food in the form of bananas at breakfast, break, and lunch. Research conducted before the exam time.

The result, according to Dr. Sobir, the consumption of bananas is helping their learning process. Potassium is found in bananas is the concentration of which contribute to children's learning.

In addition, vitamin B on the banana is also high enough to maintain the nervous system work activities. This is what encourages students to concentrate longer.

In one banana is contained many nutrients. "Vitamins and minerals are superior compared to other fruits and vegetables, especially for vitamin B6 (piridoksin), C, potassium, fiber, and manganese," he said.

When compared with apples, bananas contain 4 times more protein, twice as many carbohydrates, three times more phosphorus, five times more vitamin A and iron, and twice as many vitamins and other minerals.
Many benefits can be obtained from a banana. In addition to very useful in preventing stress, bananas also improve the intellect, to treat digestive inflammation, and nourish the eyes.

Select Rajabulu
Bananas are also known as a high fruit content of potassium (potassium) and magnesium. Content of the two minerals are very useful, especially for the cardiovascular system and muscle and nerve health.

Ingredients high piridoksin, flavonoids, and alkaloids found in bananas, especially bananas rajabulu, alleged to have antidiabetes activity. That is why, given rajabulu bananas to children who suffer from diabetes.

Research carried out PKBT-IPB in conjunction with Ministry of Health Nutrition Research shows that bananas have rajabulu glycemic index compared with 54 percent of standard sugar diabetes that can be consumed.

Bananas are also useful for those who experience stress and fatigue because it contains serotonin. According to Dr Sobir, levels of serotonin in bananas is high, namely about 31.4 ng / g. Similarly kaliumnya content. This stimulated the formation of serotonin by tryptophan that is the banana.

Serotonin is a compound that makes sense of relaxed, calm, adding mood or moods, and create happier feelings of stress or fatigue that can be expelled. That's why children are tired or stressed after studying at school can be given a banana.

Parents can cultivate bananas into banana milkshake or banana milk shakes, banana kebabs are easy to make and looks tempting children, or fried bananas penyet mesis sown.

Bananas can also be given if the child have trouble sleeping at night. Bananas provide the milk, which both contain tryptophan, will make the child more calm so they could get to sleep soundly.

Heal Gastric
For children who experience indigestion, banana can also be utilized. Several studies, as described Dr Sobir, found that the banana can heal the digestive system.

Research on the effects in animal models antipektin treated Palo varieties of banana extract and Horn, able to heal the wounds of 70 and 88 per cent compared with no treatment.

Bananas also recommended for children who consumed problems with the digestive system because of the texture of the flesh is smooth and soft. "Bananas can be eaten without adding to the digestive system works. Latek found in bananas may also prevent irritation by coating the stomach wall and intestines, "said Dr Sobir.

For children who are anemic, bananas are good food. This is because bananas are rich in iron that can stimulate the formation of red blood cells. Plus, by eating bananas, children will not be constipated, as happened when given iron supplements.

( - March 12, 2010)

Honey And Cinnamon

Benefits for the health of honey and cinnamon can boost the immune system more stronger, digestive systems, heart healthy, strengthen bones, skin, teeth, and hair, lose weight, treat the itching, and treat arthritis.

Many properties of honey for health if taken alone without combination with the other. However, honey can also be consumed by combining with others, and generally well-known is the milk (pure), cinnamon and ginger.
The efficacy of the combination of honey and cinnamon for health are as follows:

1. Boost the immune system. Honey and cinnamon is very good for the body's immune system booster, treat tired of routine work, extend the life of combination of honey and cinnamon is also good for cold and influenza.
2. Digestion. Honey and cinnamon helps in improving digestion, removes gas from the stomach and intestines and treat abdominal pain, flatulence, indigestion and bladder infections.
3. Itching. Apply mixture of honey and cinnamon for the itching due to insect bites.
4. Skin Care. Honey and cinnamon used for skin care. Mixture of both can treat skin infections and acne. To treat skin infections with the honey mixture with a dose of cinnamon balanced, evenly applied continuously. While treating acne with a ratio of 1:3 for the honey and cinnamon, are routinely applied for 2 weeks 2x a day.
5. Hair Care. Honey and cinnamon is also hair care, reduce hair loss and increase hair growth.
6. Dental Care. Honey and cinnamon can be used separately for dental care. Mixture of both can also take care of the teeth in the overcoming not pleasant breath and used as toothpaste.
7. Weight Loss. Mixture of honey and cinnamon in warm water is good for reducing weight. As with any weight loss medication natural, honey and cinnamon will bring real results if accompanied by diet and exercise regularly.
8. Arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis). Regular application of honey and cinnamon in a good hospital for patients with arthritis.
9. Heart disorders. Honey and cinnamon is used for reducing cholesterol levels, thus providing a good health for your heart.

Honey and cinnamon are also trusted to care for cancer, infertility in men and hearing loss.

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