Flower Bath For Health Benefits


Flower shower which is identical with the sacred and mystical scent, is also very beneficial for health. Eleman water and flowers as the main media, able to provide freshness and affection in the soul and body.

European studies reveal, bathing was not only good for cleaning the body from the dirt and away the stress, but also has an important role in enhancing the immune system.

The study published in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that people with diabetes who spent just 30 minutes to soak in a tub of warm water can lower blood sugar levels by about 13 percent.

Meanwhile, Japanese studies reveal habits soak for 10 minutes in warm water can improve heart health in men and women, helping to better exercise test, and reduce pain.

How do flower bath? In essence, water and flowers are two elements that can be used as a means of relaxation. In the philosophy of traditional Chinese medicine, water is a very strong element in the practice of energy healing.

Water is also positioned as a center for spiritual rituals. Not surprisingly, many cultures of the world considers water as an essential element for physical and spiritual cleansing. Until now, millions of people still go to the rivers or springs that are considered sacred for its healing properties get. Interest in water is very intuitive because most of the composition of blood, brain, and our muscles consist of water.

As described in Alternative Medicine Bokur Debra, when you dive into yourself, you will be back on the core relationship, namely with the world around you. Through simple activities, ie bathing, you celebrate the past relationship between water and life.

With little effort, which makes the shower every day can be a nuanced meditation and mystical experience. That experience helps you deal with the wisdom that is in you.

"Humans have been using water to restore the body physically, mentally, and emotionally than before," says Barbara Close, founder of Naturopathica Holistic Health, Australia, and author of Pure Skin: Organic Beauty Basics. Explained, water as a healing agent has been used for drug use physical or psychological disorders.

Debra said, long before the springs are considered sacred and attract pilgrims, appeared habit "taking water" in the bath room by the European community. Population in Asia such as Indonesia or have a ritual bath Mesoamerica. Indonesian society sometimes combine the use of steam and sounds as ceremonial.

Not only that, women in Indonesia are usually added interest in the ritual bath. Hope, for shower activity may be accompanied by a strong spiritual energy due to related native plants in the vicinity.

Potential Of Curcumin To Suppress Cancer Cell


Curcumin is one of the products of plant secondary metabolites of turmeric and ginger. Traditionally, curcumin has been used in the treatment of Asia, including Indonesia, to treat wounds, relieve pain and arthritis. Now experts have discovered that curcumin can also treat cancer.

Ginger plants only exist in Indonesia. This plant is commonly found in Java, Bali, West Nusa Tenggara, and South Maluku. Because great potential as future drugs, experts are now focusing on plants native to Indonesia.

There are a lot of data and literature that shows that turmeric and ginger has great potential as anti-inflammatory anti-virus, anti-immunodeficiency, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-oxidants, antikarsinogenik, and anti-infection.

According to Timothy Moynihan, MD, consultant medical oncologist at the Mayo Clinic, an anti-oxidant levels of curcumin can reduce inflammation and swelling. "Curcumin is widely studied as a cancer drug because of inflammation or inflammation are common in cancer patients," he said.

Research has shown, anti-oxidants to protect turmeric fat, hemoglobin, and DNA from free radical attack. anticancer substances found in turmeric also has tosisitas which can selectively destroy cancer cells without damaging normal tissue so as to minimize side effects.

Laboratory studies and animal experiments showed that curcumin could slow the spread of cancer and tumor growth of cells in blood vessels. "This causes cancer cells to die," Moynihan added. Various studies in the laboratory showed that curcumin effective in preventing colon cancer, prostate, and breast cancer.

However, according to Moynihan, this research is still at an early stage so that the experts do not recommend herbs in the treatment or prevention of cancer. Until recently, research on curcumin is still being conducted to experts.

Tomato As An Impotence Drug


Many people classify tomatoes in the vegetable. This is legitimate because the tomatoes are often included in the group of vegetables rather than fruits. Tomatoes come from the Aztec language, one of the Indians, namely xitomate or xitotomate. Tomato plants originated from Peru and Ecuador in South America. Tomato spread throughout the world, especially tropical countries after growing in America as a weed (pest plants, red)

It is said that tomato spread quickly in America because the birds ate and feces scattered everywhere. In Europe and Asia, tomato spread by Spanish traders who previously traveled in America. Particularly in Indonesia, the tomato was brought by the Dutch.

These plants can live both highlands and lowlands, depending on the type of crop varieties. However, soil quality, amount of sunlight and rainfall affect the growth of tomato.

Nutritional Content of Tomatoes. According Titien RK, nutrition specialist, tomatoes contain many substances that are useful for the body. "In a little tomato contain protein, phosphorous, iron, sulfur, vitamin A, B1, C and beta-carotene type lycopene. However, the lycopene content of the biggest is that almost 50 percent more," she said.

The best type of tomatoes are tomatoes contain lots of vitamin C, about 25 mg. But not all tomatoes have a higher nutrient content. There is something internal and external influences nutrient content.

The content is interesting is the high lycopene tomato. In addition to providing red, lycopene is also proven effective as an antioxidant. "If the lycopene in tomatoes combined with the contents of carrots, can reduce the risk of cancer," he said. Cancers that can be lowered to measure, among others, prostate cancer, stomach, esophagus and colon. Dr Titien adding that the content of chlorogenic acid and p-kumarat acid in tomatoes, could weaken the nitrosamine substances that trigger cancer. Unfortunately, very limited research on tomatoes made. Special literature on tomato very few in number. If there is, only the tomato crop cultivation techniques.

Research on tomato initiated by Dr. John Cook Bennett from Wiloughby University, Ohio, United States conducted in November 1834. The result is then written by Hubert Howe Bancroft in his History of Utah. He conducted research on tomatoes that can be used as a medicine in dealing with digestive disorders (diarrhea), offensive bile and liver function. This is why people say tomato as apple heart, because it can cure heart disease.

A researcher from the Rowett Research Institute in Aberdeen, Scotland, discovering new things. Yellow gel that envelops the seeds of tomatoes, to prevent clotting and blood clots that trigger strokes and heart attacks. Both studies followed eventually by dr. Yumi Tohuoka, researchers dri Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan.

Tomatoes are widely used in the beauty industry. Many masks and anti-aging pill that tomato-based. Not without reason they use tomatoes as the base material. Because the pigment lycopene proved to be effective as an antioxidant that can fight premature aging. Other substances such as tomatin in tomato is also very useful as an anti-inflammatory. This substance is believed to be able to heal wounds and treat acne.

If you have a fever, tomato also has antipyretic properties or fever relievers. While high fiber in tomatoes are able to overcome digestive disorders such as constipation and hemorrhoids. In addition, various substances contained in tomatoes, can restore impotence, increases sperm count and increase the agility of sperm movement.