Foods That Damage The Body In Seconds And Minutes


Various threats to health are found in everyday foods ranging from sugar, salt, bad fats. Each requires a different time to cause damage ranging from a matter of seconds to minutes.

Damage to certain parts of the body can occur within hours, even minutes. Materials are usually consumed each day through food and drinks will cause damage, of course, if consumed in excess.

How quickly the damage occurs, the following comparison of Dailymail quoted as saying on Tuesday (03/15/2011).

Cigarette: 3 seconds.
To reach the lungs, cigarette smoke only takes about 3 seconds and immediately stimulates the heart to work harder in pumping blood. Increased pressure due to overworked heart can trigger heart attacks and strokes for those who are at risk.

Sugar: 2 minutes.
Even before you swallow, the sugar has caused damage to the tooth enamel due within 2 minutes can trigger the growth of bad bacteria in the oral cavity. Once ingested, 20 teaspoons of sugar can reduce the ability of white blood cells to eradicate the bad bacteria that cause disease only within 2-5 hours after that.

Alcohol: 6 minutes.
Within 6 minutes, 1 liter glass of beer or 3 wine alcohol can cause brain damage reversible, although not a permanent alias. If you continue to get drunk and done too often, the damage will be permanent.

Salt: 30 minutes.
Salty foods can cause hardening of the arteries, blood vessels alias in just 30 minutes after being swallowed. Another impact of the excess salt is absorbed into the blood vessel so that fluid pressure rises and increases the risk of stroke and heart attack.

Caffeine: 30 minutes.
Half an hour after drinking coffee, pressure and blood flow to the muscles become stamina will increase so much since the release of adrenal hormones. In contrast, blood flow to organs other than muscle would be reduced, thereby reducing its performance.

Bad fats: 45 minutes.
Saturated fat content in cheese, biscuits and other foods can increase the risk of blood clots in less than 1 hour. The impact of course is a blockage of blood vessels that can trigger heart attacks. The good news, unsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids in nuts and fish oil can neutralize the effects of saturated fat.

Bitter..... Bitter..... Bitter..... Let Diabetes Away


All-sweet foods, high in carbohydrates and very fast to live lazily piled high blood sugar diabetes trigger level. Do not treat because although the tongue and the body feels heavy and bitter but the result of diabetes can go.

Diabetes mellitus (DM) or often referred to as diabetes is a serious disease and can not be cured.

Diabetes is a disease that is very serious and can be a risk factor for dangerous diseases such as heart disease and stroke.

Although most of the diabetes disease declined in the family, healthy lifestyle can be an easy way to prevent diabetes.

Here are some easy ways to prevent diabetes, as reported Tuesday healthmad :

1. Eat whole grains instead of flour.
Grain breads and cereals rich in fiber which can make the body to easily keep blood sugar levels. Eat three pieces of wheat bread a day can reduce diabetes risk by 38 percent.

2. Replace snacks with fruit.
Eating three servings of apples, pears or other fruit in a day could reduce diabetes risk by about 31 percent. Sufficient to change the pre-diabetes become very healthy. The fruit has a lot of soluble fiber and other controllers of insulin compounds. However, fruit juice drink made of this fiber will be much less than the whole fruit.

3. Turn off the television early.
Cutter hours watching television for two hours a day can reduce the risk of weight problems and diabetes by 20 percent.

4. Drinking milk with no fat and high calcium.
Another way that is easy to stabilize blood sugar is to eat calcium and vitamin D. According to one study, more nutrients calcium and vitamin D, may prevent the arrival of diabetes by 20 percent for the next 20 years.

5. Cook with good fats.
Cook using good fats like coconut oil, sesame or olive oil. daily dose of plant fats can help penggunana glucose by the body properly, so as to reduce the risk of having blood sugar problems women at least 22 percent.

6. Drinking coffee or tea with a slightly bitter or sugar.
Research from The University of Sydney showed that every cup of coffee drunk person can reduce the risk of diabetes up to 7 percent. Of the six existing studies, it is known that consumption of 3 to 4 cups of coffee a day may reduce the risk of diabetes by 36 percent.
But remember, drinking tea or coffee is best with a little sugar, not like ordinary people mostly from Indonesia, which gives too much sugar.

7. Eating beans or source of magnesium.
Almonds, cashews and Brazil nuts are the main source of magnesium which can help reduce the risk of high blood sugar by 31 percent. It also can reduce the risk of diabetes by 22 percent lifetime.
If you do not like to eat beans, you can eat tofu, salmon, halibut, spinach and avocado. Food is also a source of magnesium.

8. Get plenty of rest.
Lack of sleep can make the stress hormone cortisol levels jumped to 37 percent, causing insulin resistance and diabetes. Therefore, the rest only with 7-8 hours of sleep each night.

9. Exercise regularly.
Besides changing your diet, you must enter a sport or aerobic exercise in daily routine. weight will also help prevent diabetes.

Sources Of Food That Trigger Acne


In addition to cleanliness factor-induced stress and skin, acne or acne vulgaris is also related to blood sugar levels. Therefore, various types of foods that contain lots of sugar should be limited if you do not want to have facial acne.

Increased blood sugar levels affect the hormonal condition that ultimately disrupt the function of oil glands in the skin surface.

The types of foods that can trigger the appearance of acne as reported, Tuesday (08/01/2011):

1. Fatty foods.
Too much fat will hinder the transport of oxygen and nutrients to the cells. As a result, impaired blood sugar metabolism so that would be easy to increase and decrease drastically. At that time there is improvement, this condition can trigger the appearance of acne.

2. Milk and other dairy products.
Fat content in milk and other dairy products is so high that its effect on acne, such as fatty foods. Ice cream, cheese and the like, including dairy products should be avoided by the owner of pimpled face.

In addition, there are several types of milk milked from cows that are pregnant. Type of milk contains certain hormones in the human body will be converted into the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) causes acne.

3. Refined sugar.
Of course, the sugar found in nearly all foods, including fruits. However, during fruit eaten raw, the kind of sugar containing sugar in the form of fiber and complex carbohydrate use in a time not too improve blood sugar levels.

The new candy would be a problem for acne when transformed into a simpler form, through the treatment process. Table sugar is a form of simple sugars that trigger acne, and is widely used in candy and various types of cakes.

4. Caffeine.
Coffee, tea, soda and some types of pain-killer is a source of caffeine which can aggravate acne. One effect is to stimulate the adrenal glands karein, so it can increase stress levels ne merupakans trigger factors of acne.

Side effects of caffeine is a sleep disorder, which also can trigger acne. In addition to increased stress, lack of sleep also inhibits the process, the physical condition mulihan and detoxification mechanisms that occur in the body.

5. processed products.
Canned sardines, Baso curing, cured meats and sausages, Nuggets, etc, including processed foods often contain additional ingredients, including preservatives. Material difficult to digest from the body and can exacerbate the inflammation of acne, which had become infected.