How To Destroy The Bacteria Enterobacter Sakazakii


Clinical Microbiology Specialist who is also chairman of the Association of Clinical Microbiology Experts Indonesia (PAMKI), Prof. Dr. Dr. Sam Suharto SpMK, said the species of Enterobacter sakazakii bacteria is not harmful if consumed. In the treatment, he said, very rarely identified as a type of bacteria that cause infection. "So do not need the presence of anxiety," said Sam in Building Rector of the University of Airlangga (Airlangga University), Surabaya, on Saturday (19 / 2).

Even though there were cases of people experiencing health problems from the body contain Enterobacter sakazakii, but it was more because of weak immune system. "The bacteria Enterobacter sakazakii at a certain level is safe for consumption," said Sam.

According to Sam, if people are still afraid of infant formula an easy way for Enterobacter sakazakii really do not interfere with digestion in the body. Simply mixed with water with a minimum temperature of 70 degrees Celsius then the bacteria itself will die. "Easy enough, so do not mix it with cold water."

Sam explained, the bacteria are not always bad for the body. Even the body contains many bacteria are needed to protect the internal organs of various germs. Enterobacter sakazii itself easily found in the intestines of humans and animals.

"Bacteria are not identical to the disease." The same goes for Enterobacter sakazakii can be accepted by the Agency. Issues that should be known by the public ", said Professor of Microbiology at the University specialist Surabaya Airlangga."

Coffee Can Disturb The Stability Of Women's Breasts


Many people like to drink coffee to fight drowsiness while must stay up or wake up early. But women should limit consumption of coffee, because coffee is not suitable for a woman's breasts. Why?

A study by Swedish scientists in 2008 found that drinking three cups of coffee a day may reduce breast size women.

"Drinking coffee can have a major effect on breast size," said Helena Jernstroem, a lecturer in experimental oncology at Lund University in Sweden, as reported by, Friday (02/18/2011).

According to him, a clear link between drinking coffee and breast size is because about half of the female population has a certain gene that makes fat tissue to shrink from too much coffee.

"But do not worry, the coffee does not make breasts shrink breasts last night will only get smaller. But breast will not be lost," continued Jernstroem.

Not only can reduce the breast, caffeine in coffee in large quantities can cause hormone levels fluctuate, causing pain and cysts in the breast.

Here are some other ill effects on the breast because of caffeine, as reported by the LIVESTRONG:

1. Lump in the breast.
Caffeine can cause fibrocystic breast, which contains cells that collect fluid in the cysts that often make a lump or lumps in the breast. Characters in the form of lumps that move freely round the breast. These lumps are often tender to the touch.

These lumps can be either permanent or temporary. Symptoms are worse before menstruation and early pregnancy. fibrocystic breast because caffeine intake usually does not increase breast cancer risk.

2. Pain in the breast.
Besides causing lumps, caffeine also causes discomfort and pain in the breast. Caffeine intake may aggravate the pain if you already suffer from fibrocystic breast before. According to the Georgetown University Department of Medicine, this pain can occur continuously or only intermittently.

3. Dense breasts.
Research at the University of Rochester Medical Center showed that a high intake of caffeine that causes fibrocystic breast changes can also cause certain areas in dense breasts.

To avoid lumps in the breast occur, should reduce and stop the habit mengonsumi coffee. In addition, high-fiber diet, eating seafood as well as intake of vitamin A, vitamin E and iodine can also prevent the occurrence of breast cysts.

Do Not Have a Secret to The Heart Doctor


Patients sometimes hid his condition should consult with your doctor and answered all perfectly. But there are 5 things that should not be withheld in patients with heart doctor.

"There are many reasons that make the patient does not provide information honestly about themselves, they sometimes shy, sometimes can not afford the medication or may be afraid the doctor would be angry," said Dr. Nieca Goldberg, director of the Women's Heart Program at New York University, as quoted by CNN on Friday (18/02/2011).

However, heart experts say could be a particular concern can be fatal if not notified. Here are 5 secrets that should not be hidden in the heart doctor:

1. Taking vitamins, supplements or other herbal medications.
Alternative and herbal medicine can indeed help a person cope with a chronic condition, but heart experts warned not to drink carelessly. This is because there are certain supplements that can cause serious risks for people who are known to consume drugs for heart disease.

2. If the test with another doctor.
Patients are sometimes embarrassed to admit that he received a second opinion or additional inspection test. This is of course to get better health care. If indeed undergo additional tests such as blood tests, ECG, echocardiogram or angiogram, then the results should be taken during the visit so the physician can understand the actual conditions and maximize treatment.

3. If the patients forget to take medicine. Golberg says patients usually lie on a treatment for blood pressure or cholesterol. And if someone claims still taking the drugs but the results of blood pressure or cholesterol is not good, it could have been a doctor will prescribe a higher dose. It can be a very risky and cause.

4. Lying about conditions of life.
Some conditions such as stress or trauma to the life, death, layoff or divorce can make the body reproduces the excess adrenaline which can stimulate the heart rate and pounding experience (feeling uncomfortable because of heart palpitations). To that should not conceal the conditions of life that can threaten the health of the doctor can monitor more closely.

5. To say that the condition was fine.
Everyone wants to look fine, so it will say that he exercise program and eating healthy foods, but do not. Although this condition does not always create increased heart health. Because if someone says he did not experience chest pain, and then perform various physical activities that could endanger the heart.

So the best condition if the patient does not lie with his condition, seek a doctor who has a good working relationship, trustworthy and willing to listen. This will make the patient easier to open and honest.