Benefits of Drinking Coconut Water For Pregnancy


Coconut water could not only quenching his thirst, but the nutrients contained in them is very good for health. One of them, drinking coconut water during pregnancy is recommended, because it has many health benefits for mothers and babies.

There are many essential nutrients in coconut water and has a level equal to the balance of electrolytic we have in the blood. Coconut water is also sterile in nature. In general, coconut milk is very healthy, but even more beneficial for pregnant women.

In tropical countries are warm, and coconuts are easily available, doctors often recommend a minimum of one glass of coconut water per day for pregnant women. Coconut help maintain the health of mothers and fetal growth.

Coconut water tender (tender or younger) is known as the source of the richest electrolyte, therefore, highly recommended for people suffering from any illness. Coconut water also contains chloride, potassium, magnesium, moderate amounts of sugar, sodium and high protein.

Potassium from drinking coconut water can help regulate blood pressure and heart function. Also a source of excellent fiber, manganese, calcium, riboflavin and vitamin C.

As quoted from babycenter and buzzle, Monday (22/3/2010), some of the benefits of coconut water for pregnant women is as follows:

1. Coconut milk is a drink isotonic nature. This helps in filling liquid and the loss of salt naturally released by the body. Coconut water can greatly prevent dehydration and fatigue.
2. Coconut water is essentially free of fat and is known as a drink zero cholesterol. Several studies have reported that coconut milk also has a positive effect to increase the level of HDL (High-density lipoprotein), the cholesterol level is good in the body. This can help keep cholesterol levels high.
3. Coconut milk is known to strengthen the immune system. Because coconut water is rich in Lauric acid is used to produce Monolaurin body that can fight disease fatty acid derivative. Lauric acid may have anti-bacterial, anti-virus and anti-fungal. Ingredients like that can really help strengthen the immune system of maternal and fetal growth, and so prevent the occurrence of flu infection, HIV, herpes, and others.
4. Health benefits other than coconut milk is that it can help prevent and treat heartburn. Coconut water effectively helps clean the intestines and digestive tract. This can relieve heartburn pregnant women and constipation, are also recommended for people who suffer from ulcers.
5. Most women suffering from urinary tract infection (urinary tract infections or UTIs). Coconut water into a natural diuretic, can help improve the flow and frequency of urine. Thus, coconut water can remove toxins from the body easily, thus preventing urinary tract infections and the incidence of kidney stones.
6. Coconut milk is a natural source and is safe to hydrate the body, and aid digestion, and also the chemical free that contains the amount of electrolyte is high.
7. Coconut water lightweight and can even help in weight loss. One cup of coconut milk contains only 46 calories, coconut milk as 95 percent is water.

Coconut water in general has many health benefits, and is a major source to replenish the amount of electrolytes the body, which is why it is recommended for the elderly and the sick.

Thus, pregnant women are encouraged to drink coconut water every day to get all the health benefits as mentioned above. Drinking coconut water during pregnancy is also recommended mixed with sugar or turmeric. White meat of coconut can also be consumed, because healthy for the mother and fetus.

Green Tea


Probably most women have heard the benefits of green tea for breast health. However, perhaps some still doubt the truth. Now the question has been answered. Compounds contained in green tea can protect it from attack breast cancer.
Green tea was a lot of health benefits for the body, other than as a laxative as well as viagra??. It was revealed from the initial studies conducted by several researchers United States. In these experiments, they gave the green tea to some rats, while others just get plain water.

Apparently, mice that drank green tea benefit is encouraging. Breast tumor size grew smaller and was less than keganasannya mice that drank only plain water. In addition, tumor mice who drank tea and then grow more slowly and no longer attack the cells healthy.

Of course, these findings further reinforce the notion that tea is very beneficial for breast health of women. Because, as observed so far in the countries that diligently consume green tea every day, female breast cancer rate is very low. For them, tea is considered as one of healthy foods.

In addition, the main researcher, Dr. Gail Sonenshein, even saying that the tea had no adverse side effects. Therefore, people should not be afraid to consume three to five cups of tea per day. There is no problem if people diligently green tea as a preventive step.

Professor of biochemistry from Boston University School of Medicine was added, especially green tea may prevent breast cancer caused by environmental factors. However, he recommends that patients who are undergoing radiation or chemotherapy of breast cancer should consult with a doctor before he tried to drink lots of tea.

According to a study published in the Journal of Cellular Biochemistry in July 2001 edition, the content of polyphenol compounds are very much in the tea acts as a protection against cancer. Polyphenols belong to a very powerful antioxidant. These compounds will neutralize free radicals which cause cancer.

Own free radical is formed naturally in the body. These molecules can damage human cells. One suspects that this is one of the molecular causes of cancer, including various types of other diseases such as heart disease and aging.

According to these studies, green tea leaves that have been dried consists of 40% polyphenols. In addition to combat breast cancer, these substances are also believed to reduce the risk of gastric cancer, lung, colon, rectum, liver, and pancreas.

Eggs, Food Anti-Obesity and Fighting Cancer


LONDON - Eggs should be considered a "super food". In addition to improving fitness and health, can also prevent the egg a person has obesity.

Nutritional experts revealed, the egg is one of the many foods that contain complete nutrition and is highly recommended to be consumed every day in order to obtain maximum benefit.

Previously published research journal Nutrition and Food Science at the upcoming June 71 report analyzed the research and reference documents that discuss nutrition contained in eggs and its effect on diet.

After collecting the data needed, researchers then found that eggs contain high protein and low in calories. Not only that, the egg also contains many essential nutrients that are good for health, for example, vitamin D, vitamin B12, and Choline Selenium.

Because high levels of protein, eggs automatically esential amino acids which are beneficial to the growth and development of children. Levels of antioxidants in them, helped to prevent blindness.

Dr Carrie Ruxton, an independent nutrition experts say the health benefits gained when eating eggs extraordinary. Egg rightly included in the category of "super foods".

"Eggs are not only low in calories but are provided with essential nutrients for good health. Eggs are an ideal food for all age levels, as well as eggs to be cooked easily and enjoy," he said as quoted from, last weekend.

The results of the analysis also revealed that eating eggs is very useful for teenagers, fans of the flesh and individuals who do not like milk. This is because the egg is a source of vitamin D, and eggs significantly the body needs for vitamin D. As is known, vitamin D deficiency are at risk of health problems in the bone, cancer, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, immune disorders and mental disorders.

Eggs are also significantly help individuals on a diet and lose weight. "So many benefits derived from the eggs when consumed." There is strong evidence that show the eggs can provide satiety, weight control, and eye health, "he said.

"With the lack of consumption of eggs, most individuals should have a big benefit," he added.

The results of recent research mentioned, consuming eggs one or two per day have no effect on cholesterol for some individuals. Another fact is also noted, in 1979, then British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher managed to lose weight by consuming eggs 28 pieces a week.
