Flower Bath For Health Benefits

Flower shower which is identical with the sacred and mystical scent, is also very beneficial for health. Eleman water and flowers as the main media, able to provide freshness and affection in the soul and body.

European studies reveal, bathing was not only good for cleaning the body from the dirt and away the stress, but also has an important role in enhancing the immune system.

The study published in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that people with diabetes who spent just 30 minutes to soak in a tub of warm water can lower blood sugar levels by about 13 percent.

Meanwhile, Japanese studies reveal habits soak for 10 minutes in warm water can improve heart health in men and women, helping to better exercise test, and reduce pain.

How do flower bath? In essence, water and flowers are two elements that can be used as a means of relaxation. In the philosophy of traditional Chinese medicine, water is a very strong element in the practice of energy healing.

Water is also positioned as a center for spiritual rituals. Not surprisingly, many cultures of the world considers water as an essential element for physical and spiritual cleansing. Until now, millions of people still go to the rivers or springs that are considered sacred for its healing properties get. Interest in water is very intuitive because most of the composition of blood, brain, and our muscles consist of water.

As described in Alternative Medicine Bokur Debra, when you dive into yourself, you will be back on the core relationship, namely with the world around you. Through simple activities, ie bathing, you celebrate the past relationship between water and life.

With little effort, which makes the shower every day can be a nuanced meditation and mystical experience. That experience helps you deal with the wisdom that is in you.

"Humans have been using water to restore the body physically, mentally, and emotionally than before," says Barbara Close, founder of Naturopathica Holistic Health, Australia, and author of Pure Skin: Organic Beauty Basics. Explained, water as a healing agent has been used for drug use physical or psychological disorders.

Debra said, long before the springs are considered sacred and attract pilgrims, appeared habit "taking water" in the bath room by the European community. Population in Asia such as Indonesia or have a ritual bath Mesoamerica. Indonesian society sometimes combine the use of steam and sounds as ceremonial.

Not only that, women in Indonesia are usually added interest in the ritual bath. Hope, for shower activity may be accompanied by a strong spiritual energy due to related native plants in the vicinity.

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