Eye Training That Can Sharpen The Brain


Eye trainings, not only to strengthen the muscles around the eyes and improve vision, but also can increase the ability and cunning. How to doing?

Useful addition to the ability of vision, eye exercises can also improve concentration, memory and focus.

Reported by LIVESTRONG on Saturday (22/01/2011), here are some ways you can sharpen the brain exercises the brain:

1. Exercise to focus.
To train the mind focus and attention, ask someone to hold two small objects with different colors, such as colored pencils, small balls of yarn, coins or similar objects, in front or beside her shoulder.

Then you try to focus only on one object for a few seconds, then move the focus on the second. Vary the order of focus and time spent to see the different objects.

2. Tracking exercise.
Tracking not only train the eye muscles, but also helps the brain to anticipate and follow the path of moving objects. Do these exercises alone or with a partner.

Hold an object like a pencil in hand and slowly moving away from you. Focus on the end of a pencil, then move the pencil in a pattern, such as windshield wipers, then switch to the pattern of circles, clockwise and then counterclockwise.

This exercise helps to keep the focus and attention on moving objects and is often used as a treatment for attention disorders.

3. Exercise for memory.
Play a memory game using cards or similar objects are placed face down. Playing more than two cards at once to match identical cards that can improve memory.

You can also improve memory with eye exercises sway, according to research quoted in The Sunday Times. This exercise can increase the interaction between the right brain hemisphere and the left brain.

How, in the morning trying to shift the focus back and forth between two stationary objects for 30 seconds. For example, drag the view from one side of the screen computer to another or from one side of the bed to another.

4. Video games.
According to National Geographic, a video game that requires the object to track when using the mouse or keyboard to achieve the goal during play games to improve coordination between hand and eye. The game also can help the depth perception and ability to think and solve problems at the same time.

How To Make a Bright And Brilliant Brain


The brain is one important part of your body because they contain various central government agencies. But there are easy ways you can do to help preserve the brain so that it remains bright and brilliant.

To create a healthy brain needs food intake can increase the brain and do the exercises or activities to maintain cognitive function of the brain.

Here are some easy ways you can do to preserve the organs of the brain, as quoted from the LIVESTRONG, Tuesday (02/22/2011), namely:

Providing good food for the brain.
More than half of the brain consists of fat, so fat needed by the brain to maintain the sharpness of thinking and functioning properly.

Fats are needed, such as omega-3 fatty acids that are essential for brain function and cognitive development, and use good fats like olive or canola oil.

Besides fat, green vegetables can also help protect the brain from Alzheimer's disease and dementia (senile). Based on the 2009 study published in the journal Archives of Neurology showing that spinach and green vegetables that contain folic could ward off dementia and cognitive decline in conditions.

Food and other beverages that can improve brain performance are blueberries, blackberries, purple grape juice, apples, cinnamon and vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower.

Limber up the brain.
Dr Gayatri Devi as neurologists recommend people to do various activities that can stimulate other parts of the brain that lead to better cognitive health and comprehensive.

Activities that can be done is by doing sudoku, then switched to math problems, listening to classical music, dance, play tennis or socializing with people. Various activities will keep your brain well and train the brain to not only an active part.

Dr Devi said one way to generate healthy brain exercises or sports because physical exercises can make the body is functioning correctly and better cognitive function.

By getting a good physical activity will increase the intake of oxygen in the brain, the brain cells to maintain and enhance the growth of new nerve cells. Perform aerobic exercise 3-5 times a week.

The Miraculous Of Olive Oil


Excerpted from Prof. DR Made Astawan, a Professor in the Department of Food Science and Technology IPB, revealed that olive oil contains compounds such as phenols, tocopherols, sterols, pigments, and squalene, which plays an important role in health.

Olives also contain triacylglycerol, especially the type of monounsaturated fatty acid oleic acid (omega-9). Oleic acid content, 55-83 percent of total fatty acids. Because oleic acid is a monounsaturated fatty acid, a lower risk compared with oxidized linoleic acid (omega-6) and linolenic (omega-3).

Made explain further, the highest concentrations of squalene olive oil compared with other oil types. Squalene is an organic substance in liquid form distinctive odor but not because it contains no oil or fatty acid COOH (carboxyl), yellow or white node pseudo-colored.

Benefits of olive oil

Reducing the risk of heart disease.
Olive oil shown to facilitate blood flow, lowers blood pressure, regulate cholesterol and bad cholesterol by pressing type and keep the good - keep a healthy heart and prevent strokes has been proven scientifically. A study says, patients aged 64-71 years showed a decrease in total cholesterol after being given two tablespoons of olive oil every day.

Preventing cancer.
Researchers at Copenhagen University Hospital in Denmark found that olive oil reduces the cell damage that triggers cancer growth.

Getting rid of the bone joint pain.
Olive oil production to encourage substance prostaglandin, a substance to prevent swelling and pain.

Preventing osteoporosis.
Based on the publication in The British Journal of Nutrition, olive oil helps prevent osteoporosis, although it does not restore bone lost weight entirely.

Lowering blood sugar levels so as to prevent diabetes.
Because it can cut bad cholesterol, it automatically will help reduce the risk of diabetes and lowering blood sugar levels.

Beautifying and body slimming.
Their report, published in The British Journal of Nutrition said the use of olive oil to replace saturated oil for four weeks, without changing your diet, can reduce the weight gain to 2-3 kg. Other studies mentioned, olive oil can break down the cell adipocytes causes obesity. Extra virgin olive oil is recommended to replace saturated fats oils commonly consumed foods.

The Cooking Process.

To make roast beef, mix the olive oil and extra virgin olive oil on a regular basis. As for cooking meat, use olive oil regularly. When frying or grilling beef / chicken, forming compounds - lead to colon cancer, breast, pancreas, liver, and bladder. allegedly responsible for the rising incidence of breast and colon cancer in women in the United States of HCA. So the use of olive oil to cook the meat to reduce HCA - virgin olive oil is effective against colon cancer, while the extract components of virgin olive oil phenols than 50 mcg / ml to prevent the growth of colon cancer cells.

How To Destroy The Bacteria Enterobacter Sakazakii


Clinical Microbiology Specialist who is also chairman of the Association of Clinical Microbiology Experts Indonesia (PAMKI), Prof. Dr. Dr. Sam Suharto SpMK, said the species of Enterobacter sakazakii bacteria is not harmful if consumed. In the treatment, he said, very rarely identified as a type of bacteria that cause infection. "So do not need the presence of anxiety," said Sam in Building Rector of the University of Airlangga (Airlangga University), Surabaya, on Saturday (19 / 2).

Even though there were cases of people experiencing health problems from the body contain Enterobacter sakazakii, but it was more because of weak immune system. "The bacteria Enterobacter sakazakii at a certain level is safe for consumption," said Sam.

According to Sam, if people are still afraid of infant formula an easy way for Enterobacter sakazakii really do not interfere with digestion in the body. Simply mixed with water with a minimum temperature of 70 degrees Celsius then the bacteria itself will die. "Easy enough, so do not mix it with cold water."

Sam explained, the bacteria are not always bad for the body. Even the body contains many bacteria are needed to protect the internal organs of various germs. Enterobacter sakazii itself easily found in the intestines of humans and animals.

"Bacteria are not identical to the disease." The same goes for Enterobacter sakazakii can be accepted by the Agency. Issues that should be known by the public ", said Professor of Microbiology at the University specialist Surabaya Airlangga."

Coffee Can Disturb The Stability Of Women's Breasts


Many people like to drink coffee to fight drowsiness while must stay up or wake up early. But women should limit consumption of coffee, because coffee is not suitable for a woman's breasts. Why?

A study by Swedish scientists in 2008 found that drinking three cups of coffee a day may reduce breast size women.

"Drinking coffee can have a major effect on breast size," said Helena Jernstroem, a lecturer in experimental oncology at Lund University in Sweden, as reported by news.com.au, Friday (02/18/2011).

According to him, a clear link between drinking coffee and breast size is because about half of the female population has a certain gene that makes fat tissue to shrink from too much coffee.

"But do not worry, the coffee does not make breasts shrink breasts last night will only get smaller. But breast will not be lost," continued Jernstroem.

Not only can reduce the breast, caffeine in coffee in large quantities can cause hormone levels fluctuate, causing pain and cysts in the breast.

Here are some other ill effects on the breast because of caffeine, as reported by the LIVESTRONG:

1. Lump in the breast.
Caffeine can cause fibrocystic breast, which contains cells that collect fluid in the cysts that often make a lump or lumps in the breast. Characters in the form of lumps that move freely round the breast. These lumps are often tender to the touch.

These lumps can be either permanent or temporary. Symptoms are worse before menstruation and early pregnancy. fibrocystic breast because caffeine intake usually does not increase breast cancer risk.

2. Pain in the breast.
Besides causing lumps, caffeine also causes discomfort and pain in the breast. Caffeine intake may aggravate the pain if you already suffer from fibrocystic breast before. According to the Georgetown University Department of Medicine, this pain can occur continuously or only intermittently.

3. Dense breasts.
Research at the University of Rochester Medical Center showed that a high intake of caffeine that causes fibrocystic breast changes can also cause certain areas in dense breasts.

To avoid lumps in the breast occur, should reduce and stop the habit mengonsumi coffee. In addition, high-fiber diet, eating seafood as well as intake of vitamin A, vitamin E and iodine can also prevent the occurrence of breast cysts.

Do Not Have a Secret to The Heart Doctor


Patients sometimes hid his condition should consult with your doctor and answered all perfectly. But there are 5 things that should not be withheld in patients with heart doctor.

"There are many reasons that make the patient does not provide information honestly about themselves, they sometimes shy, sometimes can not afford the medication or may be afraid the doctor would be angry," said Dr. Nieca Goldberg, director of the Women's Heart Program at New York University, as quoted by CNN on Friday (18/02/2011).

However, heart experts say could be a particular concern can be fatal if not notified. Here are 5 secrets that should not be hidden in the heart doctor:

1. Taking vitamins, supplements or other herbal medications.
Alternative and herbal medicine can indeed help a person cope with a chronic condition, but heart experts warned not to drink carelessly. This is because there are certain supplements that can cause serious risks for people who are known to consume drugs for heart disease.

2. If the test with another doctor.
Patients are sometimes embarrassed to admit that he received a second opinion or additional inspection test. This is of course to get better health care. If indeed undergo additional tests such as blood tests, ECG, echocardiogram or angiogram, then the results should be taken during the visit so the physician can understand the actual conditions and maximize treatment.

3. If the patients forget to take medicine. Golberg says patients usually lie on a treatment for blood pressure or cholesterol. And if someone claims still taking the drugs but the results of blood pressure or cholesterol is not good, it could have been a doctor will prescribe a higher dose. It can be a very risky and cause.

4. Lying about conditions of life.
Some conditions such as stress or trauma to the life, death, layoff or divorce can make the body reproduces the excess adrenaline which can stimulate the heart rate and pounding experience (feeling uncomfortable because of heart palpitations). To that should not conceal the conditions of life that can threaten the health of the doctor can monitor more closely.

5. To say that the condition was fine.
Everyone wants to look fine, so it will say that he exercise program and eating healthy foods, but do not. Although this condition does not always create increased heart health. Because if someone says he did not experience chest pain, and then perform various physical activities that could endanger the heart.

So the best condition if the patient does not lie with his condition, seek a doctor who has a good working relationship, trustworthy and willing to listen. This will make the patient easier to open and honest.

Foods That Damage The Body In Seconds And Minutes


Various threats to health are found in everyday foods ranging from sugar, salt, bad fats. Each requires a different time to cause damage ranging from a matter of seconds to minutes.

Damage to certain parts of the body can occur within hours, even minutes. Materials are usually consumed each day through food and drinks will cause damage, of course, if consumed in excess.

How quickly the damage occurs, the following comparison of Dailymail quoted as saying on Tuesday (03/15/2011).

Cigarette: 3 seconds.
To reach the lungs, cigarette smoke only takes about 3 seconds and immediately stimulates the heart to work harder in pumping blood. Increased pressure due to overworked heart can trigger heart attacks and strokes for those who are at risk.

Sugar: 2 minutes.
Even before you swallow, the sugar has caused damage to the tooth enamel due within 2 minutes can trigger the growth of bad bacteria in the oral cavity. Once ingested, 20 teaspoons of sugar can reduce the ability of white blood cells to eradicate the bad bacteria that cause disease only within 2-5 hours after that.

Alcohol: 6 minutes.
Within 6 minutes, 1 liter glass of beer or 3 wine alcohol can cause brain damage reversible, although not a permanent alias. If you continue to get drunk and done too often, the damage will be permanent.

Salt: 30 minutes.
Salty foods can cause hardening of the arteries, blood vessels alias in just 30 minutes after being swallowed. Another impact of the excess salt is absorbed into the blood vessel so that fluid pressure rises and increases the risk of stroke and heart attack.

Caffeine: 30 minutes.
Half an hour after drinking coffee, pressure and blood flow to the muscles become stamina will increase so much since the release of adrenal hormones. In contrast, blood flow to organs other than muscle would be reduced, thereby reducing its performance.

Bad fats: 45 minutes.
Saturated fat content in cheese, biscuits and other foods can increase the risk of blood clots in less than 1 hour. The impact of course is a blockage of blood vessels that can trigger heart attacks. The good news, unsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids in nuts and fish oil can neutralize the effects of saturated fat.

Bitter..... Bitter..... Bitter..... Let Diabetes Away


All-sweet foods, high in carbohydrates and very fast to live lazily piled high blood sugar diabetes trigger level. Do not treat because although the tongue and the body feels heavy and bitter but the result of diabetes can go.

Diabetes mellitus (DM) or often referred to as diabetes is a serious disease and can not be cured.

Diabetes is a disease that is very serious and can be a risk factor for dangerous diseases such as heart disease and stroke.

Although most of the diabetes disease declined in the family, healthy lifestyle can be an easy way to prevent diabetes.

Here are some easy ways to prevent diabetes, as reported Tuesday healthmad :

1. Eat whole grains instead of flour.
Grain breads and cereals rich in fiber which can make the body to easily keep blood sugar levels. Eat three pieces of wheat bread a day can reduce diabetes risk by 38 percent.

2. Replace snacks with fruit.
Eating three servings of apples, pears or other fruit in a day could reduce diabetes risk by about 31 percent. Sufficient to change the pre-diabetes become very healthy. The fruit has a lot of soluble fiber and other controllers of insulin compounds. However, fruit juice drink made of this fiber will be much less than the whole fruit.

3. Turn off the television early.
Cutter hours watching television for two hours a day can reduce the risk of weight problems and diabetes by 20 percent.

4. Drinking milk with no fat and high calcium.
Another way that is easy to stabilize blood sugar is to eat calcium and vitamin D. According to one study, more nutrients calcium and vitamin D, may prevent the arrival of diabetes by 20 percent for the next 20 years.

5. Cook with good fats.
Cook using good fats like coconut oil, sesame or olive oil. daily dose of plant fats can help penggunana glucose by the body properly, so as to reduce the risk of having blood sugar problems women at least 22 percent.

6. Drinking coffee or tea with a slightly bitter or sugar.
Research from The University of Sydney showed that every cup of coffee drunk person can reduce the risk of diabetes up to 7 percent. Of the six existing studies, it is known that consumption of 3 to 4 cups of coffee a day may reduce the risk of diabetes by 36 percent.
But remember, drinking tea or coffee is best with a little sugar, not like ordinary people mostly from Indonesia, which gives too much sugar.

7. Eating beans or source of magnesium.
Almonds, cashews and Brazil nuts are the main source of magnesium which can help reduce the risk of high blood sugar by 31 percent. It also can reduce the risk of diabetes by 22 percent lifetime.
If you do not like to eat beans, you can eat tofu, salmon, halibut, spinach and avocado. Food is also a source of magnesium.

8. Get plenty of rest.
Lack of sleep can make the stress hormone cortisol levels jumped to 37 percent, causing insulin resistance and diabetes. Therefore, the rest only with 7-8 hours of sleep each night.

9. Exercise regularly.
Besides changing your diet, you must enter a sport or aerobic exercise in daily routine. weight will also help prevent diabetes.

Sources Of Food That Trigger Acne


In addition to cleanliness factor-induced stress and skin, acne or acne vulgaris is also related to blood sugar levels. Therefore, various types of foods that contain lots of sugar should be limited if you do not want to have facial acne.

Increased blood sugar levels affect the hormonal condition that ultimately disrupt the function of oil glands in the skin surface.

The types of foods that can trigger the appearance of acne as reported Hubpages.com, Tuesday (08/01/2011):

1. Fatty foods.
Too much fat will hinder the transport of oxygen and nutrients to the cells. As a result, impaired blood sugar metabolism so that would be easy to increase and decrease drastically. At that time there is improvement, this condition can trigger the appearance of acne.

2. Milk and other dairy products.
Fat content in milk and other dairy products is so high that its effect on acne, such as fatty foods. Ice cream, cheese and the like, including dairy products should be avoided by the owner of pimpled face.

In addition, there are several types of milk milked from cows that are pregnant. Type of milk contains certain hormones in the human body will be converted into the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) causes acne.

3. Refined sugar.
Of course, the sugar found in nearly all foods, including fruits. However, during fruit eaten raw, the kind of sugar containing sugar in the form of fiber and complex carbohydrate use in a time not too improve blood sugar levels.

The new candy would be a problem for acne when transformed into a simpler form, through the treatment process. Table sugar is a form of simple sugars that trigger acne, and is widely used in candy and various types of cakes.

4. Caffeine.
Coffee, tea, soda and some types of pain-killer is a source of caffeine which can aggravate acne. One effect is to stimulate the adrenal glands karein, so it can increase stress levels ne merupakans trigger factors of acne.

Side effects of caffeine is a sleep disorder, which also can trigger acne. In addition to increased stress, lack of sleep also inhibits the process, the physical condition mulihan and detoxification mechanisms that occur in the body.

5. processed products.
Canned sardines, Baso curing, cured meats and sausages, Nuggets, etc, including processed foods often contain additional ingredients, including preservatives. Material difficult to digest from the body and can exacerbate the inflammation of acne, which had become infected.

Flower Bath For Health Benefits


Flower shower which is identical with the sacred and mystical scent, is also very beneficial for health. Eleman water and flowers as the main media, able to provide freshness and affection in the soul and body.

European studies reveal, bathing was not only good for cleaning the body from the dirt and away the stress, but also has an important role in enhancing the immune system.

The study published in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that people with diabetes who spent just 30 minutes to soak in a tub of warm water can lower blood sugar levels by about 13 percent.

Meanwhile, Japanese studies reveal habits soak for 10 minutes in warm water can improve heart health in men and women, helping to better exercise test, and reduce pain.

How do flower bath? In essence, water and flowers are two elements that can be used as a means of relaxation. In the philosophy of traditional Chinese medicine, water is a very strong element in the practice of energy healing.

Water is also positioned as a center for spiritual rituals. Not surprisingly, many cultures of the world considers water as an essential element for physical and spiritual cleansing. Until now, millions of people still go to the rivers or springs that are considered sacred for its healing properties get. Interest in water is very intuitive because most of the composition of blood, brain, and our muscles consist of water.

As described in Alternative Medicine Bokur Debra, when you dive into yourself, you will be back on the core relationship, namely with the world around you. Through simple activities, ie bathing, you celebrate the past relationship between water and life.

With little effort, which makes the shower every day can be a nuanced meditation and mystical experience. That experience helps you deal with the wisdom that is in you.

"Humans have been using water to restore the body physically, mentally, and emotionally than before," says Barbara Close, founder of Naturopathica Holistic Health, Australia, and author of Pure Skin: Organic Beauty Basics. Explained, water as a healing agent has been used for drug use physical or psychological disorders.

Debra said, long before the springs are considered sacred and attract pilgrims, appeared habit "taking water" in the bath room by the European community. Population in Asia such as Indonesia or have a ritual bath Mesoamerica. Indonesian society sometimes combine the use of steam and sounds as ceremonial.

Not only that, women in Indonesia are usually added interest in the ritual bath. Hope, for shower activity may be accompanied by a strong spiritual energy due to related native plants in the vicinity.

Potential Of Curcumin To Suppress Cancer Cell


Curcumin is one of the products of plant secondary metabolites of turmeric and ginger. Traditionally, curcumin has been used in the treatment of Asia, including Indonesia, to treat wounds, relieve pain and arthritis. Now experts have discovered that curcumin can also treat cancer.

Ginger plants only exist in Indonesia. This plant is commonly found in Java, Bali, West Nusa Tenggara, and South Maluku. Because great potential as future drugs, experts are now focusing on plants native to Indonesia.

There are a lot of data and literature that shows that turmeric and ginger has great potential as anti-inflammatory anti-virus, anti-immunodeficiency, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-oxidants, antikarsinogenik, and anti-infection.

According to Timothy Moynihan, MD, consultant medical oncologist at the Mayo Clinic, an anti-oxidant levels of curcumin can reduce inflammation and swelling. "Curcumin is widely studied as a cancer drug because of inflammation or inflammation are common in cancer patients," he said.

Research has shown, anti-oxidants to protect turmeric fat, hemoglobin, and DNA from free radical attack. anticancer substances found in turmeric also has tosisitas which can selectively destroy cancer cells without damaging normal tissue so as to minimize side effects.

Laboratory studies and animal experiments showed that curcumin could slow the spread of cancer and tumor growth of cells in blood vessels. "This causes cancer cells to die," Moynihan added. Various studies in the laboratory showed that curcumin effective in preventing colon cancer, prostate, and breast cancer.

However, according to Moynihan, this research is still at an early stage so that the experts do not recommend herbs in the treatment or prevention of cancer. Until recently, research on curcumin is still being conducted to experts.

Tomato As An Impotence Drug


Many people classify tomatoes in the vegetable. This is legitimate because the tomatoes are often included in the group of vegetables rather than fruits. Tomatoes come from the Aztec language, one of the Indians, namely xitomate or xitotomate. Tomato plants originated from Peru and Ecuador in South America. Tomato spread throughout the world, especially tropical countries after growing in America as a weed (pest plants, red)

It is said that tomato spread quickly in America because the birds ate and feces scattered everywhere. In Europe and Asia, tomato spread by Spanish traders who previously traveled in America. Particularly in Indonesia, the tomato was brought by the Dutch.

These plants can live both highlands and lowlands, depending on the type of crop varieties. However, soil quality, amount of sunlight and rainfall affect the growth of tomato.

Nutritional Content of Tomatoes. According Titien RK, nutrition specialist, tomatoes contain many substances that are useful for the body. "In a little tomato contain protein, phosphorous, iron, sulfur, vitamin A, B1, C and beta-carotene type lycopene. However, the lycopene content of the biggest is that almost 50 percent more," she said.

The best type of tomatoes are tomatoes contain lots of vitamin C, about 25 mg. But not all tomatoes have a higher nutrient content. There is something internal and external influences nutrient content.

The content is interesting is the high lycopene tomato. In addition to providing red, lycopene is also proven effective as an antioxidant. "If the lycopene in tomatoes combined with the contents of carrots, can reduce the risk of cancer," he said. Cancers that can be lowered to measure, among others, prostate cancer, stomach, esophagus and colon. Dr Titien adding that the content of chlorogenic acid and p-kumarat acid in tomatoes, could weaken the nitrosamine substances that trigger cancer. Unfortunately, very limited research on tomatoes made. Special literature on tomato very few in number. If there is, only the tomato crop cultivation techniques.

Research on tomato initiated by Dr. John Cook Bennett from Wiloughby University, Ohio, United States conducted in November 1834. The result is then written by Hubert Howe Bancroft in his History of Utah. He conducted research on tomatoes that can be used as a medicine in dealing with digestive disorders (diarrhea), offensive bile and liver function. This is why people say tomato as apple heart, because it can cure heart disease.

A researcher from the Rowett Research Institute in Aberdeen, Scotland, discovering new things. Yellow gel that envelops the seeds of tomatoes, to prevent clotting and blood clots that trigger strokes and heart attacks. Both studies followed eventually by dr. Yumi Tohuoka, researchers dri Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan.

Tomatoes are widely used in the beauty industry. Many masks and anti-aging pill that tomato-based. Not without reason they use tomatoes as the base material. Because the pigment lycopene proved to be effective as an antioxidant that can fight premature aging. Other substances such as tomatin in tomato is also very useful as an anti-inflammatory. This substance is believed to be able to heal wounds and treat acne.

If you have a fever, tomato also has antipyretic properties or fever relievers. While high fiber in tomatoes are able to overcome digestive disorders such as constipation and hemorrhoids. In addition, various substances contained in tomatoes, can restore impotence, increases sperm count and increase the agility of sperm movement.

High Nutrients Of Red Kidney Beans


Do you know if the red bean is one of the most famous peas of the group in the world? Yes, red kidney beans are a great variety of delicious dishes in the world of the mainstream.

red beans commonly consumed when it is actually cooked in the form of dry beans. In Indonesia, dried beans usually cooked into a porridge, soup or mixed vegetables, rice or ice team. Red beans are often cooked as a sweet jam that is used as a filler such bakpau cake, moon cake, cake Moci, Dorayaki cakes, donuts content, and others.

Red bean vegetable food groups classified (legumes) peas, a family with green beans, soybeans, peanuts Tolo, and uci nuts. There are several types of beans, red bean, adzuki (small red bumps) bean and bean (big red bean).

Kidney Beans Nutrition

In addition to a variety of delicious food cooked red beans nutrient content is also very rich. Kidney beans are rich in folic acid, calcium, complex carbohydrates, fiber, and high protein. The content of complex carbohydrates and high in fiber which makes red bean can lower blood cholesterol levels. The level of red beans glycemic index also included a favorable low-diabetics and reduce the risk of diabetes.

Dried red beans are the source of complex carbohydrates, dietary fiber (fiber), vitamin B (especially folic acid and vitamin B6), phosphorus, manganese, iron, thiamin, and protein. Every 100 grams of dried red beans that have been boiled can provide 9 grams of protein or 17 percent of the adequacy of protein daily.

The content of protein and amino acid profiles in 100 grams of red beans (kidney beans) from most of the glutamic acid (1323 mg), aspartic acid (1049 mg), leucine (693 mg), lysine (595 mg), arginine (537 mg) , serine (472 mg), phenylalanine (469 mg), Valine (454 mg), isoleucine (383 mg), proline (368 mg), threonine (365 mg), alanine (364 mg), glycine (339 mg), and others remaining below 300 mg.

Protein content of legumes, including red bean, has long been recognized contribution to the daily food menu. Even the red beans supply the protein needs almost as much meat. Although vegetable proteins contained in the red beans incomplete, due to lack of a complete profile of essential amino acids, but can easily be equipped with a meal of red beans with sereals, dairy products, or a small amount of meat. So, it is not difficult to complete deficiency of protein components (amino acid) found in red beans.

Vitamin Nutrition in folate include beans that can cover the daily needs of 33 percent, 11 percent of thiamin, 10 percent vitamin C, 6 percent of vitamin B6, and others remaining below 3 percent.

Mineralization red beans to cover 24 percent of daily needs minerals manganese, 16 percent of the iron minerals, 14 percent of the minerals phosphorus, 12 percent of the minerals potassium and copper, 11 percent of the mineral magnesium, 7 percent of the mineral zinc, and other Miscellaneous remaining below 3 percent. Mineral content in small red beans (Adzuki bean) more than other types of kidney beans.

Red beans almost free of fat, cholesterol, and sodium. In addition, red beans are very low in calories (only 6 per cent per 100 grams), and low prices. Even the red beans can cover 30 percent of the need for dietary fiber (fiber) and contains 168 mg of Omega-3 fatty acids and 107 mg of Omega-6 fatty acids.

Nutritional Benefits Of Red Beans

Seeing a variety of kidney bean in nutrient content, can be explained the benefits, such as:
a) Present bad cholesterol and facilitate digestion (anti-constipation). Fibernya high content of fermentation in the colon and produce acid short-chain fatty acids, which can inhibit liver cholesterol synthesis. Not to mention the content of Omega-3 and Omega-6 will also be very helpful;
b) Preventing the risk of diabetes because the content is low of glycemic index and slow digestion of carbohydrates;
c) Supporting the maturation of red blood cells, helps the synthesis of DNA and RNA, and decrease levels of homocysteine in the arteries (thus reducing the risk of heart disease) with the content of folate and vitamin B6;
d) Assisting diet programs because the fiber will make you feel full and also very low calorie. In addition, content of protein beneficial to the development of the body's muscle mass;
e) Maintaining the function of the nervous system, carbohydrate metabolism, and prevent diseases of sheep with the content of thiamin;
f) Helps metabolism process of amino acid, fatty acids, lipids, gluconeogenesis, synthesis of the neurotransmitter, histamine synthesis, synthesis and function of hemoglobin as well as maintaining healthy skin with vitamin B6;
g) Supporting the process of blood clotting in wounds;
h) Support for creating the main component of red blood cells, the formation of enzymes, the formation of bone, preventing the risk of anemia (low blood) containing minerals zinc, iron and copper;

Red Beans Cooking Tips

To reduce the toxin content (lectin phytohaemagglutinin) and intestinal gas produced by the oligosaccharide red beans, there are several steps that can be done. After the soaked beans, discard the water, boiled with water in a closed pan for 2-3 minutes, then let stand for 2 hours. Discard cooking water, add new water at room temperature until the beans completely submerged. After two hours, discard the water again and add more water and let it be soaked overnight before actually going to be cooked.

Making Your Body Stronger ? Doing Like Popeye


Habbit of sailors in the cartoon character Popeye, to make the body strong through spinach consumption is justified by scientific. A recent study said the consumption of spinach a day to make efficient muscle performance.

Mentioned in the study consumed 300 g spinach vegetables reduces the required 5% of oxygen in the body during activity. At least that the effect will last for three days.

"The secret is not iron but a natural nitrate contained in vegetables," said Dr. Eddie Weitzberg, researchers from the Karolinska Institutet, Sweden as quoted by the Telegraph.co.uk, this weekend. Witzberg explain nitrate compounds contained in spinach make the mitochondria, a kind of machinery in the cell, working efficiently.

"You could say that, similar to spinach addictive substances for muscles", said. That the effect is noticeable, Witzberg advised public to consume natural compounds of nitrate content in spinach dish every day.

Now, the researchers has intended to insert compounds of nitrate into a variety of plants to produce more energy. So far, researchers have not found a species of vegetables with high natural nitrates, such as spinach.

"We know that eating vegetables and fruits to prevent the risk of heart disease and diabetes, but what nutrients associated with these effects are not known," he explained.

From previous research, Weitzberg and Jon Lundberg concludes consumption naturally supports the oxidation of nitric oxide in the good bacteria in the human body. In addition, nitrate is also making more efficient mitochondrial function in the job.

Popeye is a cartoon character who is quite popular even today. Cartoon character who first appeared in 1930 it is not directly campaign spinach consumption in children. Apparently the spinach-related research to justify the means used by Popeye, when the body wants to be stronger then eat spinach.

Eating Celery Before Lovemaking Give You Incredible Effect


Stimulants is not necessary if you just want to increase the passion and stamina during sex. Simply by eating vegetables celery before or during sex, the efficacy of the outside usually feels like a can instantly viagra effects.

Eating celery before or during sex can increase your sex drive can be felt by both men and women.

Celery (Apium graveolens L.) was mentioned as a vegetable viagra effectiveness or vegetables of stimulants, drugs such as Viagra (sildenafril). The term was popularized by three investigators United States: DRA. Judy Garman, Dr. Walter Gaman and Dr. Mark Anderson.

Celery deserving awakening during the sexual act is a compound of androstenona. This compound is a natural steroid that stimulates the release of pheromones and male trap, hormones so that they can take your most enthusiastic partner.

In a book called Stay Young: Ten Steps Proven Ultimate Health, the researchers say that the direct effect of eating celery can be felt immediately. To be more enthusiastic partners, men can chew celery before or during sex.

For the man himself, celery consumption can increase the production of ejakulat fluid released during ejaculation. As quoted from Newsoxy, Monday (02/14/2011), some people consider to increase the volume ejakulat like this can give the sensation of its own pleasure when reaching orgasm.

However, some experts still doubt the efficacy of celery. While they can’t deny that all kinds of vegetables have health benefits, espesially that celery success in improving the sexual drive, but considered not to be aligned with patent medicines such as Viagra.

Especially in this book also provides a number of researchers note. Among others say that the benefits of celery may not be felt in certain circumstances including in smoker or overweight.

Turmeric Able To Regenerate Brain Cells After Stroke


Los Angeles, Turmeric is one of the culinary spice known to have many health benefits. A recent study showed turmeric could help regenerate brain cells after stroke.

Turmeric is known to have a molecular compound curcumin, a yellow pigment derived from Curcuma longa natural ingredient. This very popular spice in use in some types of food in the South Asian region and also the Middle East.

Researchers from the United States found that one part of chemical compound from the kitchen spice turmeric able to regenerate brain cells damaged after hit by a stroke. Although this new limited research on test animals rabbits.

In the study compound in turmeric not attack blood clotting. But these compounds can reduce the effects of deficit (decrease) in motor skills after a person has suffered a stroke as a problem in the muscles and motion control.

"With these promising results, the experiment in humans that will be given in the form of the drug will soon begin. It is expected that the drug is able to restore the path of food from the nerve to get back to work," said Paul Lapchak from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, as quoted by the AFP , Monday (02/14/2011).

Lapchak said CNB-001 hybrid compounds contained in turmeric able to cross the blood brain barrier, allowing blood to be distributed rapidly to the brain and involved in a mechanism that is essential for the survival of neurons, or nerve.

The results of this study itself was presented by Lapchak meeting of the American Heart Association International Stroke Conference.

Currently approved drugs in the treatment of ischemic stroke (caused by blockage of blood flow to the brain) known as plasminogen activator tissue (tissue plasminogen activator / TPA). The drug is usually injected through an IV to dissolve the clot and restore blood flow.

Papaya And Coconut Water Can Be Used To Remove Acne Scars


The most annoying thing of acne is the scar that is difficult to remove. Wash face with young coconut water or use a mask of papaya can help remove acne scars.

Coconut water is known as a refreshing beverage relieving thirst. In addition, if properly processed coconut water also can treat various skin diseases like acne, eczema, burns and prevent wrinkles.

Coconut water contains a variety of macro and micro elements. Macro elements are carbon and nitrogen. Elemental carbon in the form of simple carbohydrates coconut water such as glucose, sucrose, fructose, sorbitol, inositol. The element nitrogen in the form of the protein, composed of amino acids, such as opy, arginine, alanine, cystine and serine.

In addition to carbohydrates and protein, coconut water also contains a micro mineral elements needed by the body, such as potassium (K), sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), iron ions (Fe), copper (Cu), phosphorus (P) and sulfur (S).

When checked again, in coconut water also contains various vitamins, including vitamin C, nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid, folic acid, biotin, riboflavin, and so forth.

Thanks to high nutrient content, some diseases associated with skin such as acne, eczema, burns and prevent wrinkles can be helped with coconut water.

Eczematreatmentremedies Launched on Thursday (06/01/2011), to remove acne and scars, coconut water mixed with turmeric grated and then soak for 3 nights.

After soaking, strain the marinade is to get water. Water mixture can be washed into the face and used to help eliminate acne and acne scars are stubborn.

Apart from coconut water, papaya fruit can also help to remove acne scars.

Papaya (Carica papaya), which contain papain, the enzyme that can reduce inflammation, can be used as a mask or be consumed in order to help reduce and eliminate acne scars.

If papaya is used as a mask, papaya-paste can be smeared on the face. Allow mask to dry for 15 to 20 minutes, then washed with clean water.

This papaya mask can open the skin pores are clogged and remove the oil and dead skin cells from the skin. Papaya can also be consumed directly as juice or fruit to get healthy skin.

Defeat Diabetes with Bitterness Of Pare


Pare often shunned because it tastes bitter. But behind the sense of bitterness, bitter melon contains a lot of benefits to health, one powerful way to fight diabetes by lowering blood sugar levels in the body.

Pare or scientifically known as Momordica charantia, is a vegetable that is often used as a medicinal herb with a long history in traditional Chinese medicine, especially for treating diabetes.

Of the few studies conducted on animals and humans, pare shown to lower blood glucose levels, as reported by Drugs.com, Friday (02/11/2011).

Charantin Gynecology, polypeptide P and vicine, is the main active ingredients of bitter melon, which seems to be responsible for anti-diabetic activity.

According to a study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food June 2010 edition, in addition to lowering glucose levels, pare also improves blood lipid levels.

In a study conducted on 20 animals with subjects with sucrose induction of diabetes, after 30 days under treatment with a pare of researchers found that subjects with normal glucose levels, reduced triglycerides and LDL (bad cholesterol), and increase HDL (good cholesterol).

Other positive findings from this study is that bitter melon has antioxidant qualities, which means that this herb helps protect cells from free radicals caused by diabetes.

Based on the recommendation of Drugs.com, to lower blood sugar levels, you can take daily doses of 50 to 100 ml or 900 mg three times daily bitter melon juice. However, this dose may be adjusted based on blood sugar levels, and whether you drink conventional medicine for diabetes.

But pare consumption should be avoided for pregnant women and children. This plant showed anti-fertility effect in research studies, which could increase the risk of abortion and menstrual bleeding.

While on the children because his body is still not strong, sometimes bitter melon can cause side effects such as headache, fever and abdominal pain.

Water : Body's Most Vital Nutrients - Part 3 of 3


The athlete should drink 500 ml of water two hours prior to the action at a sporting event. Then another drink 300-500 ml of water every 30 minutes during the game. But of course to the athletes who do not have to reduce their activity both. While that athletes competing with high intensity of physical activity in warm or hot weather or temperature conditions, of course, requires more fluid intake.

Many people believe that if you consume a lot of water will cause retention of urine. When in fact just the opposite. Drinking water makes the body able to free themselves from excess sodium, so less urinary retention. The body will retain fluid in the body if the water content in the cell is too small. If the body receives a regular intake of water, the body does not need to save water and therefore will reduce the retention of urine.

Highly recommended to consume 6-8 glasses (each 150 ml) of water or various types of liquids each day. Consumption is recommended for those with less physical activity, older people, are in the temperature or cold weather, and that many foods contain much water. Consumption of more than 8 glasses a day is needed by those who include physical activity, active children, are in the temperature or warm or hot weather, and nursing mothers (which requires an additional 750 to 1.000 ml of fluid).

Liquids which include fresh water and others such as juices, soft drinks (soft drinks), coffee, tea, milk, and soup. Fresh water is the best drink because it contains no calories and contains fluoride which is good for teeth. While milk, including essential (especially for children) and tea can be an antioxidant that can fight heart disease and cancer. Fresh fruits are better than fruit juice because it contains more fiber and nutrients and contain less sugar. Soft drinks (soft drinks) should be avoided because of the high content of calories and sugar but low in nutritional value.

Several types of mineral water contains salt which can make urinary retention, bloating, and even increase blood pressure in some people. Limit the amount of consumption of mineral water or choose low-sodium types (less than 30 mg of sodium per 100 ml mineral water).

Water is essential for many body functions. The body can not hold water and therefore require the intake of fresh water every day. Baby's condition is life-threatening dehydration and require immediate medical care. Highly recommended to consume about eight glasses of water per day to prevent dehydration.

Water : Body's Most Vital Nutrients - Part 2 of 3



Dehydration occurs when the level of water content in the body is too low. This condition can be prevented by increasing fluid intake. Symptoms of dehydration include headache, dizziness, lethargy, melancholy, low-power response, the channel dry nose, lips dry and cracked, body weakness urine is too yellow or dark, fatigue, and hallucinations. Finally, unable to remove the urine, renal failure to work, and the body is unable to remove the remnants of toxic metabolic processes. And even in extreme conditions can lead to death already.

Some causes dehydration such as :
a) Increased production of sweat because of hot weather, humidity, exercise, or fever.
b) Lack of drinking water.
c) Lack of body signals a good working mechanism in the elderly, so seniors sometimes do not feel thirsty despite being in a state of dehydration.
d) Increased output of urine due to hormone deficiency, diabetes, are in treatment or kidney disease.
e) Experiencing diarrhea or vomiting.
f) Being in the healing of burns.

When are we need more drinking water ?

If you do not drink enough water then the risk of kidney stones in women will increase and the risk of urinary tract infections will increase. There is also some evidence of increased risk of several types of cancer including bladder cancer and colon cancer. The condition of shortage of drinking water will also reduce physical and mental performance and salivary gland function.

The people who need more water intake, including :
a) They have a diet high in protein.
b) Those who undergo high-fiber diet, as fluids help prevent constipation.
c) They are including children. Those who suffer from vomiting or diarrhea disease.
d) Those who are physically active.
e) Those who have to deal with weather conditions and temperature of warm or hot.
f) They are included dehydration unconditioned older.

Older people tend to be at risk of dehydration, because of :
a) Changes in kidney function with age.
b) Hormonal changes.
c) Often do not feel thirsty (because the thirst mechanism signals the body that does not work optimally with age).
d) Being in treatment (eg treatment of diuretics and laxatives).
e) Suffering from chronic diseases.
f) Mobility is very low.

Dehydration In Infants And Children

Children can be very susceptible to dehydration conditions, especially if sick. Examples include vomiting, fever, and diarrhea can quickly dehydrated babies. This condition can be very dangerous for the safety of the baby. If you know the state of dehydration in young children or babies, then immediately take it to the nearest hospital.
Some symptoms of dehydration in children, such as :
The skin feels cold,
Mouth dry,
The condition of the bone anatomy of the head (fontanelle) depressed,
A little blue colored skin due to stagnant circulation.

Excess Water Intake (Hyponatremia)

Compare with the above conditions, drinking too much water also can damage the body and cause hyponatremia. This condition is known as a decrease in sodium levels in the blood to extremely low levels and dangerous. Sodium is needed in muscle contraction and nerve impulse transmission. If you drink too much water, the kidneys can not remove enough fluid. Excess water can cause headaches, blurred vision, cramps (and eventually convulsions), brain swelling, coma, and eventually death.

Reaching the level of excess, may cause over-consumption of water to several liters per day. excess water conditions occur commonly in people suffering from specific diseases or mental (for example, in some cases of schizophrenia) illness in infants who were fed with food baby too much liquid.

Water : Body's Most Vital Nutrients - Part 1 of 3


Humans can survive for weeks without food, but only lasts a few days without water. The human body consists of 55-75 percent water. Water became one of the basic building block of blood, digestive enzymes, urine, sweat, and even contained in muscle tissue, fat, and bone.

Because the body can not store water, we need to intake of fresh water to replace water that has issued various vital organs of the body to sweat, urine, feces, and others. Total intake of water we need depends on our body's metabolism, temperature, weather, the food we eat and of course the level of activity we do.

Facts on Body Water Content.
Here are some water facts contained in the human body:
a) The water content in the body is more in men than women and decreased with age.
b) Most adults spend about 2.5 to 3 liters of water per day from his body. water expenditure will grow in hot weather conditions and a long training time.
c) The people who are older spent about 2 liters of water per day from his body.
d) Passenger air transportation will lose 1.5 liters of water during the first three hours of air travel. Loss of fresh water must be replaced.
e) Generally foods contain about 1 liter of water and rest must be obtained from the beverage.

Various Body Functions Require Water

Water as vital nutrients needed for :

a) Maintaining the health and integrity of every cell in the body.
b) Keeping the flow rate of liquid to facilitate the flow of blood through blood vessels.
c) Helps eliminate the remnants of the body's metabolism, excess electrolytes, for example sodium, potassium, and urea which is the residual processing of food proteins.
d) Regulate body temperature through perspiration.
e) Keeping humidity mucous membranes, such as those found in the lungs and mouth.
f) Lubricate and protect joints. Reduce the risk of cystitis by keeping the bladder disease free from bacteria.
g) Helps digestion and prevents constipation.
h) Working as a moisturizer to improve skin texture and appearance.
i) Bringing a variety of nutrients and oxygen in the blood cells.
j) Working as a damper on the organ bearing the eyes, spinal cord and amniotic sac fetus in pregnancy.

Water Content In Foods

Generally foods contain water, even that looks hard and dry though. The body can obtain up to one third water intake needs from food. The digestive process itself also produces water as a result of waste and can supply about 10 percent of the body's need for water. Needs the rest must be obtained from the fluid.

Drinking Milk Frequently At School Can Reduce Colon Cancer Risk


Formula milk is not good for toddlers, but that does not mean school kids do not need to drink milk. Good drinking milk for school children because it can minimize the risk of colon cancer in adulthood by 40 percent.

Children who consumed half a liter of milk a day had a strong protective effect against the disease. And one key to success is the anti-cancer effects are obtained if the child is drinking milk for several years as a child.

Researchers found school children have 20 percent lower risk tumors as an adult if she drank milk every day for 4-6 years, and has a 40 percent lower risk if he drank milk more than 6 years as a child.

Experts predict the long-term dairy consumption can increase the intake of calcium in the body that can protect the intestine against damage and kill cancer cells before they form tumors.

Professor Brian Cox of Otago, New Zealand says more research needs to further prove that the milk can reduce the risk of cancer in future generations. The results of this study are reported in the American Journal of Epidemiology.

"Consuming milk when school is very important because it ensures the children have adequate nutrition intake. Also a glass of milk has the same amount of calcium contained in a kilo of spinach," says Dr Judith Bryans, director of the Dairy Council, as quoted from Dailymail, Saturday (02/12/2011).

Colorectal cancer occurs as a result of abnormal cell growth in colon cancer. Signs or symptoms that appear are the defecation (BAB) bloody, hard to BAB and pain in the lower abdomen that does not go away.

In addition to diligent when mash-fed child, some things can be done to reduce the risk of colon cancer such as maintaining body weight to stay healthy, avoid alcohol, consumption of fiber and physical activity.

Kombucha Tea


When there is milk contains bacteria, people panic because to some extent will have an impact on health. Another case with Kombucha tea that is mixed with bacteria, this herb is claimed even more nutritious than regular tea.

The content of bacteria and yeasts in Kombucha tea drinks cause it feels a bit sour because of the fermentation. There is also a call tea fungus or mushroom tea, because it is brewed plate actually consists of colonies of bacteria and fungi that are symbiotic with each other.

Kambucha name taken from a Korean physician, Dr. Kombu which brings the traditional ingredients of more than 2,000 years old was to Japan in the 5th century. This herb far imported from China as an offering to the ruler of Japan at that time, Emperor Ingyoo.

Since then, Kombucha tea began to be known as a health drink and spread rapidly to all corners of the world. Now the drink is popular in many areas including Russia, Europe and various countries in Asia.

Various claims arose, some say Kombucha tea can lower cholesterol and treat cancer. Some even put it on the scalp to overcome baldness, so nicknamed as well as a wonder tonic.

Still, not everyone believes in the usefulness. Experts in the disease from the Mayo Clinic, Dr. Brent A Bauer, including one health practitioner who doubted the various claims about Kombucha tea which he somewhat exaggerated.

"Until now there has been no single human clinical trials that prove the benefits of Kombucha tea. Not that there is no benefit, but for now claims it has not had a scientific basis," he said as quoted from MSN Health, on Thursday (02/10/2011 .)

Let alone benefit, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States would never report a poisoning victim of Kombucha tea. In April 1995, 2 women admitted to hospital due to acidosis or excess acid in body fluids.

Both victims were drinking tea regularly every day, since 2 months previously. One of the two patients eventually died, while the other one can be saved even in the treatment of heart had stopped.

Metabolic acidosis or increased levels of acidity in body fluids is one of the side effects of Kombucha tea. Other side effects have ever been reported is the poisoning and liver damage due to forced sbekerja harder to metabolize acids.

Yet there has never been an appeal from related parties not to drink Kombucha tea. Food and Drug Administration in the United States only appealed to the tea drunk in a reasonable amount, approximately not more than 4 ounces (120 mL) per day.

Benefit of Cherries for Healthy


Childrens in almost all regions in Indonesia are usually most like to play under a cherry tree or the Cherries that grow on the roadside. This sweet little fruit turns a lot of benefit healthy.

Children usually will reap the fruit of cherries and eat them immediately. Because not had time to wash the child's abdominal pain is often so many parents forbid their children to eat fruit Cherries. Moreover, eating fruit Cherries addictive because of the high sweetness.

But make no mistake, though many live alongside a road, Cherry fruit is a lot of benefits. As long as they clean all the good eaten with the fruit Cherries compounds could be useful for the body. Cherry Cherries Fruit is not often used as a cake decorator.

Research shows the fruit of this Cherries have many important compounds that are useful to the body. As revealed by Julia F Morton in his book 'Fruits of Warm Climates (1987)' that was launched hort.purdue.edu, Wednesday (02/09/2011) there are 12 important compounds from the fruit of Cherries.

In every 100 grams of cherry fruit contains:
Water (77.8 g)
Protein (.324 g)
Fat (1.56 g)
Fiber (4.6 g)
Calcium (124.6 mg)
Phosphorus (84.0 mg)
Iron (1.18 mg)
Carotene (0.019 mg)
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) (0.065 mg)
Riboflavin (0.037 mg)
Niacin (0.554 mg)
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid or antioxidants) (80.5 mg)

High nutrient content of cherry fruit, making this sweet little fruit has many health benefits, among others:
Antiseptic or antibacterial
Antispasmodik (spasms of the gastrointestinal tract which may be due to diarrhea, gastritis)
Relieve headaches
Relieve the symptoms of flu and colds early
Anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory)

Cherry or talok often found alongside a road-pingir and used as a shade plant. Scientifically, cherry fruit called Muntingia calabura L., which includes plants in the family Elaeocarpaceae.

Besides Indonesia, cherry is also much cultivated in warm regions around the world, like India, Southeast Asia, Malaya, Indonesia, the Philippines and in many other places.

Cherry fruit in different countries have their local designation, such as capolin, palman, ladies (Mexico), capulin blanco (Guatemala and Costa Rica), capulin de Comer (El Salvador), or ta JOC takop farang farang (Thailand), kakhop (Cambodia), cay ca Trung (Vietnam), cherry fruit, kerukup Siam (Malaya), Jamaican cherry, Panama berry, cherry Singapore (English), Chinese or Japanese cherry cherry (India).

Benefits of Drinking Coconut Water For Pregnancy


Coconut water could not only quenching his thirst, but the nutrients contained in them is very good for health. One of them, drinking coconut water during pregnancy is recommended, because it has many health benefits for mothers and babies.

There are many essential nutrients in coconut water and has a level equal to the balance of electrolytic we have in the blood. Coconut water is also sterile in nature. In general, coconut milk is very healthy, but even more beneficial for pregnant women.

In tropical countries are warm, and coconuts are easily available, doctors often recommend a minimum of one glass of coconut water per day for pregnant women. Coconut help maintain the health of mothers and fetal growth.

Coconut water tender (tender or younger) is known as the source of the richest electrolyte, therefore, highly recommended for people suffering from any illness. Coconut water also contains chloride, potassium, magnesium, moderate amounts of sugar, sodium and high protein.

Potassium from drinking coconut water can help regulate blood pressure and heart function. Also a source of excellent fiber, manganese, calcium, riboflavin and vitamin C.

As quoted from babycenter and buzzle, Monday (22/3/2010), some of the benefits of coconut water for pregnant women is as follows:

1. Coconut milk is a drink isotonic nature. This helps in filling liquid and the loss of salt naturally released by the body. Coconut water can greatly prevent dehydration and fatigue.
2. Coconut water is essentially free of fat and is known as a drink zero cholesterol. Several studies have reported that coconut milk also has a positive effect to increase the level of HDL (High-density lipoprotein), the cholesterol level is good in the body. This can help keep cholesterol levels high.
3. Coconut milk is known to strengthen the immune system. Because coconut water is rich in Lauric acid is used to produce Monolaurin body that can fight disease fatty acid derivative. Lauric acid may have anti-bacterial, anti-virus and anti-fungal. Ingredients like that can really help strengthen the immune system of maternal and fetal growth, and so prevent the occurrence of flu infection, HIV, herpes, and others.
4. Health benefits other than coconut milk is that it can help prevent and treat heartburn. Coconut water effectively helps clean the intestines and digestive tract. This can relieve heartburn pregnant women and constipation, are also recommended for people who suffer from ulcers.
5. Most women suffering from urinary tract infection (urinary tract infections or UTIs). Coconut water into a natural diuretic, can help improve the flow and frequency of urine. Thus, coconut water can remove toxins from the body easily, thus preventing urinary tract infections and the incidence of kidney stones.
6. Coconut milk is a natural source and is safe to hydrate the body, and aid digestion, and also the chemical free that contains the amount of electrolyte is high.
7. Coconut water lightweight and can even help in weight loss. One cup of coconut milk contains only 46 calories, coconut milk as 95 percent is water.

Coconut water in general has many health benefits, and is a major source to replenish the amount of electrolytes the body, which is why it is recommended for the elderly and the sick.

Thus, pregnant women are encouraged to drink coconut water every day to get all the health benefits as mentioned above. Drinking coconut water during pregnancy is also recommended mixed with sugar or turmeric. White meat of coconut can also be consumed, because healthy for the mother and fetus.

Green Tea


Probably most women have heard the benefits of green tea for breast health. However, perhaps some still doubt the truth. Now the question has been answered. Compounds contained in green tea can protect it from attack breast cancer.
Green tea was a lot of health benefits for the body, other than as a laxative as well as viagra??. It was revealed from the initial studies conducted by several researchers United States. In these experiments, they gave the green tea to some rats, while others just get plain water.

Apparently, mice that drank green tea benefit is encouraging. Breast tumor size grew smaller and was less than keganasannya mice that drank only plain water. In addition, tumor mice who drank tea and then grow more slowly and no longer attack the cells healthy.

Of course, these findings further reinforce the notion that tea is very beneficial for breast health of women. Because, as observed so far in the countries that diligently consume green tea every day, female breast cancer rate is very low. For them, tea is considered as one of healthy foods.

In addition, the main researcher, Dr. Gail Sonenshein, even saying that the tea had no adverse side effects. Therefore, people should not be afraid to consume three to five cups of tea per day. There is no problem if people diligently green tea as a preventive step.

Professor of biochemistry from Boston University School of Medicine was added, especially green tea may prevent breast cancer caused by environmental factors. However, he recommends that patients who are undergoing radiation or chemotherapy of breast cancer should consult with a doctor before he tried to drink lots of tea.

According to a study published in the Journal of Cellular Biochemistry in July 2001 edition, the content of polyphenol compounds are very much in the tea acts as a protection against cancer. Polyphenols belong to a very powerful antioxidant. These compounds will neutralize free radicals which cause cancer.

Own free radical is formed naturally in the body. These molecules can damage human cells. One suspects that this is one of the molecular causes of cancer, including various types of other diseases such as heart disease and aging.

According to these studies, green tea leaves that have been dried consists of 40% polyphenols. In addition to combat breast cancer, these substances are also believed to reduce the risk of gastric cancer, lung, colon, rectum, liver, and pancreas.

Eggs, Food Anti-Obesity and Fighting Cancer


LONDON - Eggs should be considered a "super food". In addition to improving fitness and health, can also prevent the egg a person has obesity.

Nutritional experts revealed, the egg is one of the many foods that contain complete nutrition and is highly recommended to be consumed every day in order to obtain maximum benefit.

Previously published research journal Nutrition and Food Science at the upcoming June 71 report analyzed the research and reference documents that discuss nutrition contained in eggs and its effect on diet.

After collecting the data needed, researchers then found that eggs contain high protein and low in calories. Not only that, the egg also contains many essential nutrients that are good for health, for example, vitamin D, vitamin B12, and Choline Selenium.

Because high levels of protein, eggs automatically esential amino acids which are beneficial to the growth and development of children. Levels of antioxidants in them, helped to prevent blindness.

Dr Carrie Ruxton, an independent nutrition experts say the health benefits gained when eating eggs extraordinary. Egg rightly included in the category of "super foods".

"Eggs are not only low in calories but are provided with essential nutrients for good health. Eggs are an ideal food for all age levels, as well as eggs to be cooked easily and enjoy," he said as quoted from dailymail.co.uk, last weekend.

The results of the analysis also revealed that eating eggs is very useful for teenagers, fans of the flesh and individuals who do not like milk. This is because the egg is a source of vitamin D, and eggs significantly the body needs for vitamin D. As is known, vitamin D deficiency are at risk of health problems in the bone, cancer, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, immune disorders and mental disorders.

Eggs are also significantly help individuals on a diet and lose weight. "So many benefits derived from the eggs when consumed." There is strong evidence that show the eggs can provide satiety, weight control, and eye health, "he said.

"With the lack of consumption of eggs, most individuals should have a big benefit," he added.

The results of recent research mentioned, consuming eggs one or two per day have no effect on cholesterol for some individuals. Another fact is also noted, in 1979, then British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher managed to lose weight by consuming eggs 28 pieces a week.


Myrmecodia Pendans


The ants nest with Myrmecodia pendans scientific name of plants therein is used as a nest of ants. Comprising ants labirun used as a hole to make its activities. Although the plants are unusual but owned treatment efficacy is remarkable.

According to research conducted by Dr. Ir. M. Ahkam Subroto M.App.Sc., a researcher who studied plants faithful ant to human health, this magical plant contain chemical compounds from the class of flavonoids and tannins. Many other researchers have also found the existence of such chemical. These substances are required plants to be part of her defense system against attacks from outside.

Flavonoids are compounds of natural materials that are part of phenolic compounds, which formed many plant pigments. For the human body, flavonoids are substances necessary for healthy diet. The body needs as an antioxidant flavonoids that are useful to prevent cancer. With the flavonoids in the body, many protected cell structure. When combined with vitamin C, flavonoids, beneficial to improve the performance of vitamin C, prevents bone loss, serves as antibiotics and anti-inflammatory.

Flavonoids are also shown to interfere with the effectiveness of microorganisms, which can be used as an antiviral, such as the HIV virus (the cause of AIDS) and herpes. Flavonoids are also able to prevent and treat asthma, cataracts, diabetes, rheumatism (arthritis), migraines, hemorrhoids, and inflammation of the connective tissue supporting the teeth roots, as well as preventing and treating cancer.

Therefore, ant plants have the capacity to treat various types of cancer or tumor, tuberculosis, and rheumatism (arthritis) because this plant contains flavonoids. In addition, plants contain substances ant others, namely tannins.

Tannins used for tanning leather. Tannins can also serve to treat diarrhea, stop bleeding, treat hemorrhoids and bleeding. Because it contains tannins, proven ant plants can treat hemorrhoids and nosebleeds.

In addition, these epiphytes plants also contain antioxidants tocopherol (vitamin E) and some other minerals such as calcium, sodium, potassium, zinc, iron, phosphorus and magnesium. The benefits of calcium for the body is very large, because calcium can help the performance of the heart, nerve pulses, and help the process of blood clotting. Useful iron to form hemoglobin, sends oxygen to all parts of the body and trigger the production of enzymes. Phosphorus is useful to absorb calcium and produce energy.

Sodium electrolyte balancing act, the volume of body fluids and nerve impulses. Potassium is a substance needed to help the work of the heart rhythm, nerve impulses and acid base balance. The presence of zinc is useful for the synthesis of proteins, sexual function, storage of insulin, carbohydrate metabolism and wound healing. Then magnesium useful for making bones, liver, and muscle, works well.

(http://tabloidgallery.wordpress.com, http://sarangsemut.net/)

Bananas to Boost Concentrations of Children


Bananas, including nutrient dense fruit and energy. Soft texture makes banana fruit is often used for baby food choices. For children, bananas can also be a healthy lunch to school.

In many developed countries, bananas are often the food the children to school. They also put pieces of banana into the cereal and milk for breakfast. Bananas provide enough energy for the children to be ready to follow the lessons in school.

Dr Ir Sobir of Research Center of Tropical Fruits IPB explains, a study of the banana committed against students at 200 schools Twickehnham in Middlesex, England. They are given additional food in the form of bananas at breakfast, break, and lunch. Research conducted before the exam time.

The result, according to Dr. Sobir, the consumption of bananas is helping their learning process. Potassium is found in bananas is the concentration of which contribute to children's learning.

In addition, vitamin B on the banana is also high enough to maintain the nervous system work activities. This is what encourages students to concentrate longer.

In one banana is contained many nutrients. "Vitamins and minerals are superior compared to other fruits and vegetables, especially for vitamin B6 (piridoksin), C, potassium, fiber, and manganese," he said.

When compared with apples, bananas contain 4 times more protein, twice as many carbohydrates, three times more phosphorus, five times more vitamin A and iron, and twice as many vitamins and other minerals.
Many benefits can be obtained from a banana. In addition to very useful in preventing stress, bananas also improve the intellect, to treat digestive inflammation, and nourish the eyes.

Select Rajabulu
Bananas are also known as a high fruit content of potassium (potassium) and magnesium. Content of the two minerals are very useful, especially for the cardiovascular system and muscle and nerve health.

Ingredients high piridoksin, flavonoids, and alkaloids found in bananas, especially bananas rajabulu, alleged to have antidiabetes activity. That is why, given rajabulu bananas to children who suffer from diabetes.

Research carried out PKBT-IPB in conjunction with Ministry of Health Nutrition Research shows that bananas have rajabulu glycemic index compared with 54 percent of standard sugar diabetes that can be consumed.

Bananas are also useful for those who experience stress and fatigue because it contains serotonin. According to Dr Sobir, levels of serotonin in bananas is high, namely about 31.4 ng / g. Similarly kaliumnya content. This stimulated the formation of serotonin by tryptophan that is the banana.

Serotonin is a compound that makes sense of relaxed, calm, adding mood or moods, and create happier feelings of stress or fatigue that can be expelled. That's why children are tired or stressed after studying at school can be given a banana.

Parents can cultivate bananas into banana milkshake or banana milk shakes, banana kebabs are easy to make and looks tempting children, or fried bananas penyet mesis sown.

Bananas can also be given if the child have trouble sleeping at night. Bananas provide the milk, which both contain tryptophan, will make the child more calm so they could get to sleep soundly.

Heal Gastric
For children who experience indigestion, banana can also be utilized. Several studies, as described Dr Sobir, found that the banana can heal the digestive system.

Research on the effects in animal models antipektin treated Palo varieties of banana extract and Horn, able to heal the wounds of 70 and 88 per cent compared with no treatment.

Bananas also recommended for children who consumed problems with the digestive system because of the texture of the flesh is smooth and soft. "Bananas can be eaten without adding to the digestive system works. Latek found in bananas may also prevent irritation by coating the stomach wall and intestines, "said Dr Sobir.

For children who are anemic, bananas are good food. This is because bananas are rich in iron that can stimulate the formation of red blood cells. Plus, by eating bananas, children will not be constipated, as happened when given iron supplements.

(http://kesehatan.kompas.com - March 12, 2010)